1st priority is a good base builder for the ski areas. Some of us might have to sacrifice some snow at home, but sometimes ya gotta take one for the team. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Finally got to 33 here. Untreated surfaces had about 2/10” glaze. Even treated roads didn’t properly thaw till after noon. Walked the dog in yak trax. Needed them today more than I ever have. Super slippery and got worse when the top started to thaw. .
Looking at the 12Z GFS, you can see how complicated the timing of the subtropical and polar jets are going to be over the next few weeks. Lots of in phase or out of phase troughs a possibility. Could repeatedly dump snow or have weenies frustrated over what could have been. Epicosity or analcosity.
Up to 30F here with freezing rain all morning. What's weird is that there doesn't seem to be any accretion on the trees, just the ground. Big drops seem to be finding there way to ground before they freeze.
Wow, that’s a crazy pic Scott. Too much snow and wind at Bachelor. They’re having trouble opening terrain. Only 9 trails open yesterday lol. They’re telling people too stay out of the trees and it’s mandatory to ski with a buddy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Skied Windham today. Ditto to what others reported. Soft snow, skiing in glove liners, soft bumps. Great day. Hate to see the snow melting away, oh well. Felt like really April lol. Goa take em when ya get em. Great festive feel. I way overdid it. Bed feels good!!! .
I know, right!! My son just headed back to Boulder. What's crazy about this season is how little snow Denver / Boulder area has gotten. Denver is at .3" for the year!
OMG, reality is a beeyotch lol. Love the frozen washboard track quote. Way too much of that this year. I feel like most trails in the northeast right now are basically 18" of ice. The west is stealing our snow!!!
Measured 2.5” when I left for skiing this morning. 3” when returned in evening after settling. Probably 3.5” on board before settling. Totals dropped quickly as we drove north towards Killington. Literally only like an inch 20 minutes north of my house. Got lucky for once! .
Killington was fun today. No lines. Lots open but conditions were pretty variable. Some nice packed powder but plenty of good ole eastern ice. Still a great day. .
Stratton was decent today. They reported 6” which looked accurate but it was mixed with sleet and freezing rain. Gondola windows had a nice coating of ice. Surface was nice on the greens and blues. Blacks turned quickly to boiler plate ice. Used the singles lines and only had to wait 1-3 minutes in lift lines. Skied 10am-1pm and got 10K in. Glad I went but craving the soft fully open conditions that we love. .
Yeah, 2" and then sleet will give much more visual appeal. Gotta cover the grass, twigs, leaves, etc. The low excitement level for this storm on the board is keeping my expectations low. So if we get more, I'll be pleasantly surprised!
Will NAM 12K be high fiving NAM 3K tomorrow for being first to see the overly protruding warm nose? I'm guessing yes. Say what you want about the NAM, but ignoring the early NAM runs that bring the warmth further north can be a bad idea. I wouldn't be surprised if sleet mixes in halfway up VT.