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Everything posted by OrdIowPitMsp

  1. Yeah it's getting interesting for my area right after Christmas. Could be in line for some impressive snows and winds, or slush and rain. Either way fun to have something imby to track.
  2. Finished with just a hair under 3" IMBY during the weekend event. The metro area really saw a tight snowfall gradient as the more intense banding fell apart making its way north, so I missed out on some of the more impressive totals. Marginal temperatures caused for a wet snow, and for a few hours we had light snow with an air temp of 32-34F that wasted away accumulation potential. 4" of snow on the ground and highs below freezing this week. While we are below average on snowfall this season, I'll take it with below average temperatures. At least we haven't had killer thaws with rain like other portions of the subforum. The lakes already have plenty of ice on them, went for a walk around Lake Nokomis this morning and there is a makeshift hockey rink setup, and a few guys ice fishing offshore. Fresh snow, grey cloudy day with occasional snow flurries and a north wind. Perfect.
  3. Total accumulated snowfall this season. Central Minnesota, Central/Western Iowa and most of Indiana seem to be the early season losers. Hopefully we can squeeze out an inch tonight and thread the needle with the weekend system up here.
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