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Everything posted by OrdIowPitMsp

  1. 6” with the system that came through today. Nice overachieving high ratio snow.
  2. Starting to get tough not to be excited about the prospects of a big hit imby.
  3. -10F air temperature windchill of -31F. Might pull off another negative high today.
  4. 4.1" Tuesday evening 6.8" last night and today. Depth is ~11" IMBY, easily the deepest of the season. Had to feed my powder fever so went skiing this evening and saw lots of snowmobiles out as well. Up to this point we really hadn't had much of a natural base in this part of the state. The 6pm observation of 5.7" at MSP set the daily record for snowfall. I imagine the midnight observation will finish around 6" Definitely the best stretch of winter we've had this season. If you go back two weeks there is another 5" snowfall and a historic arctic blast to boot.
  5. Absolutely pounding quarter sized flakes here and stacking quick. Had a mixed bag of some freezing rain / sleet at the onset but pure heavy snow now. Should tack on 3-5” easily today.
  6. 3.7” of snow measured on the deck. Should make a push to around 4” a couple counties south of here have widespread 7-8” totals with more to go. MSP reporting 3.4” with a liquid content of 0.20” at 6pm. I believe that is a 17:1 ratio.
  7. 1” down today so far with moderate snow. Looks like the twin cities metro will once again be just north of the heavier totals.
  8. 30F with freezing drizzle when I left for work, now 13F with flurries. Pretty drastic change. Snow depth went from ~5” to 2”
  9. NWS seems pretty bullish on snow chances this week. Could end up with a respectable snowpack if this comes to fruition.
  10. Temperatures are beginning to fall, we are at 35F here with dense fog all day under the retreating snowpack. Paved surfaces (especially sidewalks) have stayed below freezing and have an “hoar frost” type frost on them. Pretty slick out there. Under a WWA for freezing rain tonight. Looks like around 0.1” but temperatures are retreating faster then antipated so might end up with more of a glaze then people realize leading to a terrible commute tomorrow.
  11. Riding the far northern edge of this wave with some light snow and -9
  12. -23F at the airport and -26F here. Didn’t get as cold as I thought it would last night but still respectable.
  13. Temps starting to creep down here currently at -15F, high of -14F today.
  14. Already up to -26F under brilliant sunshine. Record low max is -19 so we probably won’t break that. Went for a short walk, I live near a large park and lake so usually scores of people are out and about. I’ve never seen it so dead before, oh and my salty tears froze to my eyelashes.
  15. Made it down to -29F last night here and at the airport.
  16. -25 with a -55 windchill. Went outside for a few minutes, didn’t take long at all to feel cold with 3 layers on. It just goes right through you. My exposed face was very uncomfortable facing the wind immediately, I could tell that I’d have big problems if outside for 10 minutes or more. It’s dangerous out there right now.
  17. -23 here, still dropping around a degree an hour.
  18. 7pm obs at msp: -21 air temp with a windchill of -51.
  19. -19 now at msp. -20 at the neighborhood pws.
  20. Hourly Obs at MSP at -17 now. Sun about to set and then we make our run for -30!
  21. -15F winds of 25 gusting to 36 with a windchill of -44F and we have another hour of daylight! Stepped outside to run some errands and the wind just absolutely obliterates any exposed skin.
  22. MSP noon observation. -7F with a windchill of -31F.
  23. -1 at MSP, -1.7 here, which will be the high temperature for January 29th 2019. Let’s see how many hours we stay below zero.
  24. 4.9” officially at MSP. Well short of the 8-12” forecasted by NWS yesterday and yet more then doubles our largest snow of the season.
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