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Everything posted by OrdIowPitMsp

  1. Yeah nothing you can do but marvel at how drastically things can change YOY in our region. I’ve still had (scant) snowcover imby longer then most in this subforum, haven’t been above freezing since January 5th. It’s still winter here.
  2. Smokey skis are the new normal in the summer around here. It stinks (literally) but 20th century style fire suppression might be partially to blame.
  3. Extended looks very dry in Minnesota. Top 10 driest January is closing in on a lock. Typical of a nino around here.
  4. Got a lot of time to make new accounts with frozen palms huh?
  5. Minneapolis has seen 0.19” of precipitation in January. Currently tied for 6th driest. There’s a chance we don’t see anything else this month. The monthly average temp of 16.5 through the 19th is only 0.5 degrees above average but surely the departure will rise by the 31st.
  6. -6 overnight, one more cold day to go. Pond Hockey Tournament is in full swing today. The neighborhood is already getting busy with spectators. There’s always a few former NHL players that partake.
  7. Lake Nokomis in South Minneapolis. @Brian Dis correct there are more then 10,000 lakes in Minnesota. Going off Wisconsin standards it’s over 15,000 I believe. Back down to -2F here with some blowing snow. Might drop a few more degrees before sunrise.
  8. Grew up in Chicagoland. Very familiar with its “frustrating for a snow weenie” climate. Glad the I-80 corridor is having a solid stretch. Edit: sorry for the thread hijack.
  9. No salty tears from me, backyard has been white all month and yeah last year was quite epic to say the least. I just like to bitch.
  10. Flurries here. Clipper is sliding south. Story of this winter for central Minnesota.
  11. Yesterdays high of 13 was the warmest since the 12th. Got down to 1F last night. Full sun today feels great but still will only make it to around 10-12. 10 days ago there was pockets of open water on the lake. Now the ice is 9-12” thick.
  12. The cold is a real economic lifesaver up here. The lakes are finally freezing up at record late dates, and allowing for winter activities to progress. This upcoming weekend is the U.S. National Pond Hockey championships on Lake Nokomis a few blocks from my house. As recently as last week there were questions on whether or not there would be enough ice. With these temps the lake is making about an inch of ice a day and the tournament will proceed as scheduled. https://www.uspondhockey.com
  13. Arctic cold and Hawkeye football. That’s how I roll. Only got down to-9 imby last night with our putrid snow-cover.
  14. Minneapolis is up to 7.1” season to date on snowfall after this latest storm.
  15. -8F in Minneapolis. You can see where the deep snowpack makes a difference it’s -17F in Des Moines.
  16. Required reading during a cold snap. ”To Build a Fire” - Jack London https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/to-build-a-fire.pdf
  17. Why the NWS is still calling for 2-3” in the twin cities metro is a mystery to me. I doubt we see 1” and I’m on the east side where totals should be higher. Hopefully I wake up surprised. Is it policy to stair step down totals instead of just slashing to 0-1” when it becomes apparent?
  18. Of course the one time the CAA is ahead of schedule it wipes out our snow chances.
  19. Wondering if I’ll even see an inch. Models had a very poor handle on how quickly the arctic air spilled southeast.
  20. Zebra Mussels are good for something I guess.
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