April finished with 4.19” of precipitation which is well above normal, and much appreciated. We really needed it. There was only a T of snowfall.
Time for my final winter grade. I’m going to give winter 23/24 a D grade. It was a record warm and very dry winter in Minnesota. However the front and back ends were punctuated by memorable snowfalls that saved the season from a solid F. The 2.3” on Halloween provided a memorable trick or treating experience, and those photos of my kid in the snow we will always cherish. The weeklong cold snap in January provided no snowfall but froze the lakes quite solid and saved the ice fishing and ski seasons from disaster. My local hill was open daily from early December to mid March. The surprise 7” Valentine’s Day snowstorm reminded everyone we still live in a winter weather climate. March is when things got interesting, precipitation began increasing and we bagged a 12” multi day snowfall that broke the doldrums of dryness we endured most of the cold season. Other stat padding events brought us up to 29.5” which is still well below normal but dampers the disaster that was DJF. Only around 50 days until they are getting shorter again.