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Everything posted by OrdIowPitMsp

  1. Morning convection passed through here, storms really started firing to my east over St. Paul, now just some scattered rain showers overhead. We’ll see how much recovery the atmosphere undergoes this afternoon. Dews are approaching the oppressive category.
  2. Wouldn’t mind being 89’d but we tend to UHI better then most.
  3. Minneapolis gonna finally join the 90s party this weekend. Still waiting on our first one this year.
  4. Heavy storm parked right over mby and the airport. Wind gust of 52mph. I can see the thunderhead from the sunny skies of Victoria MN one county west.
  5. All day washout in Minneapolis. Sucks for people trying to get outside and enjoy the holiday. Had a midnight high of 73, been stuck in the low 60s most of the day.
  6. High of 73 under low hanging status all day.
  7. 0.32” from the overnight rains. Most it went south along the IA/MN border.
  8. Breezy day with winds gusting around 30mph. Storms should fire tonight and start July off on a wet note.
  9. June finished with an average temperature of 69.5 which is -0.2 below average. This is the first June without a 90 in Minneapolis since 2016. The 7.27” of precipitation is 2.69” above average and makes this the 14th wettest June on record.
  10. Life hack: If you don’t own a lake house just have your kid befriend someone who does. One heck of a 2nd bday party.
  11. 1pm at the airport, it’s 68/41 under full sun. Doesn’t get better then that on June 30th.
  12. UHI kept us relatively mild overnight, only got down to 53.
  13. Point has a high of 70 today. Clouds should build in as the day goes on. Temps should drop into the 40s away from the UHI tonight. Monthly rainfall sits at 7.27”
  14. Even with persistent NW flow we overachieved up to 81 today under the full June sun.
  15. This year *so far* has been significantly better in terms of smoke. Dews crashed from the upper 60s to the low 50s under mostly cloudy skies this morning. Great day to be working outside.
  16. Storm fail here last night, cap wouldn’t break. Didn’t see any precipitation.
  17. Article on the dam failure near Mankato. Flash flood watch here for expected storm development this afternoon. https://m.startribune.com/dam-near-mankato-in-danger-of-imminent-failure/600375733/
  18. Beautiful precipitation minima centered right over mby. Enough to keep things healthy and green but no urban flooding.
  19. Hopefully there isn’t much infrastructure damage at my local ski hill. The Cannon River crested today in Welch Minnesota at 14.3’ with the record holding at 15.1’
  20. Another 0.64” in Minneapolis today. Next batch of rain about to move into Bayfield.
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