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Everything posted by OrdIowPitMsp

  1. 81 today. Just a few degrees shy of the record of 83. Every few days I like to throw it out there that Minneapolis has seen 0.06” of precipitation since August 30th
  2. Squeezed out a Trace of precipitation overnight. Can’t believe there are more 80s on tap here Sun/Mon. Record highs very much in play. Summer continues.
  3. Overnight low of 34 in Minneapolis. 28 at the Anoka County airport in the suburbs. Precipitation chances look minimal through the end of the month.
  4. My parents live in a townhome in Highland Park a little over a quarter mile from the lake. Dad just sent me a picture of some frozen stuff that fell there this morning. Cloudiness prevented us from dropping below 36 in Minneapolis last night.
  5. Low of 35 at the airport. Freeze across the suburbs. Heavy frost.
  6. By November I’ll be hoping it’s frozen, but anything helps at this point. We had a few sprinkles today but nothing measurable. Felt like a true autumn day, temps in the lower 50s and gusty winds taking lots of leaves off the trees.
  7. How’s it been in Detroit? Minneapolis has seen 0.06” since August 30th. Might have two record dry months back to back.
  8. I live in light pollution abyss, in between downtown and the airport only 1 mile to my south. Nonetheless I could see a faint naked eye Aurora in my backyard and things were vivid through a camera lens. Great night, must have been epic away from the city
  9. Looks like the CME may be arriving soon. Bz has gone quite negative and proton flux is way up.
  10. First freeze of the season in the point forecast for Monday night.
  11. The UHI wins again, MSP only made it down to 44. There was patchy frost in the suburbs this morning.
  12. This is likely the most exciting weather locally for the next week+ Dewpoint down in the 20s. Widespread frost possible outside the metro. Let’s see if we can break 40 tonight.
  13. Tonight is the night. KP never really got above 3 last night.
  14. Not sure it will be better then the epic showing in May when we had multiple X-class CMEs impact Earth. We shall see, space weather can do funny things sometimes. I’m planning on going out to my usual spot tomorrow night.
  15. Today was the first day that felt truly autumnal. Cloudy, mid 60s and a nice breeze. Not going to last though, warm and dry is the continued theme. 0.06” since August 29
  16. What I think is significant and makes September 2024 really stand out, is all the other months were during the cold season when plant life was dormant.
  17. MSP will finish off September with a paltry 0.06” of precipitation. Right back into drought we go. Was any first order station in the region drier?
  18. More impressively if we reach 80 on Monday it will likely be the 19th 80 degree high this September breaking the record of 18 set in 1908. 83 so far today.
  19. @TheClimateChanger will like this one. Not only is this going the be the driest September on record but also the warmest, breaking a record that only stood for a year.
  20. Minneapolis is still at 0.06” month to date with nothing in the extended forecast. Pretty crazy to see a near total precipitation shutout during the warm season. On this date in 1985 Minneapolis saw 0.4” of snow, which is the earliest measurable snowfall on record for the city.
  21. Woke up to a line of storms that weren’t forecasted moving in from the west. So far they’ve missed mby (and the airport) by about 5 miles to the north.
  22. Local NWS is saying this will likely be the driest September on record in Minneapolis after we got skunked and missed out on the storms yesterday. Month to date rainfall is 0.06” with nothing in the forecast.
  23. The Good: Deep blue smoke free skies. The Bad: 90 degrees in Minneapolis today. The Ugly: 0.03” rain so far in September. It’s crispy out there.
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