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BTRWx's Thanks Giving

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Everything posted by BTRWx's Thanks Giving

  1. I agree. Signals have not been great early. For what it's worth, the tropical Pacific is probably the best region to extend far out into the long range for any season. The eastern tropical Pacific seems to be cooling rather quickly. One saving grace is that the daily SOI today was -35 and that seems quite unusual with the beginning stages of a possible nina. Beyond that, I like to find analogs of global ssta values globally compared to other years. I haven't looked at analogs yet myself.
  2. Personally, I'm all for sharing sub-regions. Just don't overstay your welcome, because the other guys will make your time rather unpleasant if you do. As long as you don't talk about your region here, you should be fine.
  3. He's falling more and more victim to political interests it seems. I had to unfollow him unfortunately.
  4. When a hurricane rides up the coast, can it be expected that a ridge will then build over us?
  5. It's much weaker than it was. https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/map/clim/sst.anom.anim.week.html
  6. You got to love how our tropical thread is busier than the main Amwx Dorian discussion currently.
  7. I'm surprised by today's forecast for likely showers. I looked at the guidance last night and nothing looked active at all.
  8. We've been kind of getting screwed with rain over the last week or so.
  9. The Nationals just postponed tonight's game in D.C. due to rain that may or may not fall!
  10. First time I have ever seen scud clouds rise vertically! Impressive storm heading east across the region!
  11. Obviously there's something wrong with the fv3 algorithm. For weenie eyeys only...
  12. Not wintry this time though. Those bolts over northwest Maryland this afternoon looked pretty cool!
  13. MyFoxDC's Mike Thomas pointed out that soundings are looking better than some of the model depicted precip-types fwiw. You can confirm it on PivitolWeather.
  14. I'll do it for you. That depth map is a joke! Kuchera looks more realistic. eta: fv3 is a disaster for D.C. https://maps4.pivotalweather.com/maps/models/gfs_fv3/2019021918/030/snku_acc.us_ma.png
  15. I had the same skepticism with their depth map yesterday. Do they even offer a snowfall option to compare?
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