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BTRWx's Thanks Giving

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Everything posted by BTRWx's Thanks Giving

  1. Shout out to the reference to January 2010 yesterday!
  2. I guess this thread is technically not in storm mode yet, so I think they'll need to keep it for themselves up there.
  3. TTB maps look slightly better than 0z last night. h5 isobars nudged north hr24 fwiw.
  4. No it doesn't. That's a 10:1 snowfall map. Fv3 doesn't provide the depth charts yet.
  5. We need the brick wall origin north of NY versus right overhead.
  6. Somehow the precip shield improves on the fv3 after being a good bit south of 12Z http://mageval.ncep.noaa.gov/data/gfs/18/namer/850_temp_mslp_precip/gfs_namer_027_850_temp_mslp_precip.gif qpf http://mageval.ncep.noaa.gov/data/gfs/18/namer/precip_p24/gfs_namer_036_precip_p24.gif
  7. FV3 is south, darn http://mageval.ncep.noaa.gov/data/gfs/18/namer/850_temp_mslp_precip/gfs_namer_020_850_temp_mslp_precip.gif
  8. GFS op doesn't have the northern trend and it hasn't shown precip this far north at all today fwiw. There's a reason it's getting replaced!
  9. Do they get retired along with the NAM I wonder?
  10. Where's the qpf line relative to previous runs? eta: see SE sub
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