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BTRWx's Thanks Giving

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Everything posted by BTRWx's Thanks Giving

  1. I'll do it for you. That depth map is a joke! Kuchera looks more realistic. eta: fv3 is a disaster for D.C. https://maps4.pivotalweather.com/maps/models/gfs_fv3/2019021918/030/snku_acc.us_ma.png
  2. I had the same skepticism with their depth map yesterday. Do they even offer a snowfall option to compare?
  3. Someone meme this! "This announcement does not apply to furloughed employees" https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/snow-dismissal-procedures/current-status/
  4. I think Reagan got a bullseye burst over the last few hours.
  5. I'm being clipped by the southern edge of that band and it's heavy!
  6. Something, but not jebwalks imo eta: heck is there one for amwx???
  7. Funny how there's a southern and northern border of the same city/county.
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