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BTRWx's Thanks Giving

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Everything posted by BTRWx's Thanks Giving

  1. Any thoughts on the New Zealand volcano that blew? Future winter bombs?
  2. The MJO now completely skips the warm phases and is on pace to shortcut us to a real winter by year's end!
  3. Wow! eta: There's something wrong with that output. Use depth maps ppl!
  4. The MJO is currently being modeled to zip past the warm phases fwiw. That's a pretty big change from last week.
  5. James Spann is going to get burned if he keeps saying light snowfall will have "no impact". lol
  6. Last night's euro ingested some steroids!
  7. My dad found this article on Yahoo (I know it's not the best source) about a claim how Buffalo, NY hasn't experienced agw like the rest of the country has. I'm trying to see why the two charts for temperature and precipitation trends differ so much from the supported research. Thoughts? https://www.citylab.com/environment/2019/12/climate-change-displacement-refuge-city-buffalo-new-york/602758/?utm_medium=offsite&utm_source=yahoo&utm_campaign=yahoo-non-hosted&yptr=yahoo
  8. If ecmwf has so much funding, why don't they offer sounding data?!
  9. The problem is having a good positioned high over a week away is not what we want to see.
  10. It's another euro versus the world. We know how this ends.
  11. Is it the MJO going into phase 2 that's protecting us from the positive arctic teleconnections?
  12. It will be a long night for whoever stays up for it.
  13. What update? All he did was change %s on a couple pages!
  14. Judah Cohen's winter forecast looks pretty good. https://www.aer.com/science-research/climate-weather/arctic-oscillation/
  15. Is that snow streamer on radarscope legit?
  16. They need a better Defensive Coordinator.
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