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Everything posted by kvegas-wx

  1. I have snow loving dogs and they wanted no part of that micro-meteorfest that is going on out there. Thankful for the early snow or else I'd be worried about sandblasting my cars!
  2. Still like a frozen downpour in July here in the heart of the Triad. Absolutely pouring sleet.
  3. We have so many active threads and threats its hard to keep track of where to post!
  4. 100% raging sleet storm in Kernersville. Crusting process well underway. Looks like almost 2.5-3" on the farm cams in Stuart VA. Big flakes still flying there at 1,500 feet.
  5. These aren't freight trains, these systems can literally stop and turn on a dime once they become influenced by a different feature. If you have a rapidly weakening blocking high to the north and other features in place that would draw the system due north, it wouldn't take long at all for this system to stall and begin moving quickly north. (I'm fairly certain I'm preaching to the choir here, but the statement was made) It can absolutely be in Gatlinburg in 12 hours.
  6. Anybody confirm snow reports out of Iredell County? Seeing some notes online.
  7. It's my birf-day next Sat. Bring this one straight to the snow bank. Slam dunk for everyone.
  8. LoL. I was 22 the last time the Bengals had a playoff win. 31 years ago. Oddly enough that might have been the year we had the snowmaggedon snowball fight in the quad at NC State. Probably the last kick butt snowfall Raleigh has seen. I'll go fire up the grill and crack open the beer fridge and things will get better. Time for some brisket and ribs!
  9. The finger of snow modeled for today must have been the models actually giving us the finger cut that didn't materialize. The warm nose that was nowhere in sight a week ago when we were planning this blizzard is going to turn this into nothing but a workout having to clear debris from an ice storm. I cannot tell you how irritated I woke up this morning. And I swear if the Raiders spoil my playoff party this afternoon that will certainly push me over my cliff. Bengals win or I'm dumping all my ice storm debris in the middle of I-40. Darn I'm cranky about this one!!
  10. Curse you for bringing that up. Do you have any idea how many trees I had to cut up in my neighborhood?? Not to mention no power for 3 days with a 5 year old and newborn. Not fun! Edit....but I kinda agree.
  11. Are we to nowcasting yet? Waiting on all this nothingness is soooooo boring.
  12. Same model that still shows 7" for the Triad when we will be lucky to get 1". Mountain folks will get theirs for sure. But that warm air is a comin' Sunday afternoon. The ICON isnt accounting for that at all.
  13. Tree snapper warnings need to be issued. This has officially gone from a sleddable snow to a chainsaw tune-up.
  14. Yes, at least in half. And if we see significant CAD erosion as ILM ROSS suggested could be possible, it won't even be close to half. You'll see rain washing away all that snow and sleet until it refreezes into Monday morning.
  15. LOL!! Once again I think you stole this post from 2020,2019,2018,2017...... Do you have this saved as a favorite or something? I almost feel sorry for you over there in the screw zone. (Almost)
  16. Winter Storm (F)Izzy. Can't believe with the change to a colder pattern, finally, that I still need to trek down to NGA and NWSC to possibly see the real deep snow. I will officially transfer to the sanitarium now and hover amongst like minded, emotionally shattered people.
  17. It won't be a Triad or piedmont storm either! Nothing at all like what we thought would happen, however, this is exactly what we should have thought would happen. (Charlie Brown flies through the air and once again lands on his back)
  18. This will not age well. Are they using models from 2 days ago or what??
  19. This was almost too easy. A map we have seen dozens of times. Are you sure you just didn't change the dates Jeremy? Looks legit. I think most here would take those outcomes.
  20. It does appear that this system will be a little moist drinking straight from the gulf. And that CAD signal aint no joke. Might be time for that generator after all.
  21. LOL, c'mon old man. We're in the same age bracket here. The night ends when we say it ends. And I dont mean when the Viagra runs out. I mean when my old eyes cant read all these dang weather maps anymore!
  22. Brace for impact. The next 3 hours will be the most important 3 hours of our winter weather lives. Well, until tomorrow night at 9pm I suppose.
  23. @msuwx Matthew has been awfully quiet on this one but I see him lurking. Any thoughts on the more positive afternoon trends sir?
  24. Anyone having that gut feeling that Lucy already pulled the football and we just haven't lined up for the kick yet? Trust your gut. We've all seen this game before and there is no reason not to assume the same outcome here until we are proven wrong. (this will also be my approach with the Bengals playoff game Saturday.....31 years of disappointment.....prove me wrong) The writing is on the wall folks. When you see that much WAA hammering into the SE portion of the state there's a valid reason it showed up. And if history is a good indicator, that's a trend that usually ends up with 25% of the forecasted snow total across much of CNC immediately followed by an hour of sleet and the rest of the day filled with freezing drizzle. And we haven't even started talking dry slot yet. Prove me wrong.
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