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Everything posted by kvegas-wx

  1. Very surprised at the lack of any 6+ inch reports from Roxboro out to the coast. I figured there would be several this morning. How about our Norfolk peeps?
  2. Last few flakes here in the triad. Maybe a solid .5 to .75 inch. Hard to tell, this stuff blows around with the slightest wind. Total Colorado powder. Anyway, radar is absolutely loaded for those out east. You guys are going to crush it tonight. Get out there and enjoy it!
  3. Just drove down I40 west thru GSO by PTI and the snow is so powdery that it almost creates a whiteout when the cars kick it up. Just a dusting all thru the Triad, but the roads will indeed deteriorate quickly after another 30 minutes or so.
  4. Heavy virga here in the uber-dry triad. Enjoy whatever you can muster triangle peeps.
  5. Wont be any. With this rather light and short lived precip the DPs just wont climb fast enough across the triad area. Not saying we wont see any snow here, just not enough time for anything more than a dusting. Definitely losing some to virga.
  6. Gulf tap looks anemic IMO. Expected more coming with this storm. Gonna need some Atlantic action to make this a reality for anyone west of the Triangle. It is D.R.Y. outside. DPs nearly falling into the single digits now.
  7. Unfortunately I think the story here in the Triad tomorrow morning will be black ice. And I mean bad. All the brine washed off today and now the streets are still soaked with temps dropping below freezing and into the 20s now. Body shop bonanza coming up!
  8. 100% snow burst here in Kvegas. Pretty close to ripping fatties. Won't last long looking at radar.
  9. Very quickly sliding down towards the mid 30s in the Triad this afternoon. I'll guess 35° or so by 5pm. Seeing 38° at the farm in Stuart just across the Va border. Dropped 3° in the last couple of hours. Bad part, cold chasing moisture on the Fropa. Not sure any of it is going to catch up.
  10. Later than modeled, yes. But the temps are starting to dive quickly coming through middle VA and down into the foothills areas. It's coming. Even my local point and click here in the Triad didn't have us flipping to snow until this evening (if we get any snow). EDIT - GFS looks pretty much exactly like what is happening over the next 6 hours or so to me. Would be all snow across the northern tier of NC by 7pm assuming we have any precip left.
  11. Buh Bye!! This one will take a few pills and drinks to get over. A lot of mets jumped early and will be left trying to explain a dusting lighter than the film on a glass top table after an all night bender at the local crack house off of Mountain Street in K-Vegas. But that's all heresay anyway, kind of like talk of snowstorms in eastern Carolina. As I said earlier, this is probably the yearly non-event that keeps us all grounded in the fact that we live in the southeast and it's winter. They don't go together like Forrest Gump and Jennie.
  12. It's almost like we need a quantum computer or something to sort this out for us. Anybody ever thought about that? Brick? Burger? Anyone? I think this might be the week we all realize we still live in the southeast. Happens every year.
  13. This thing has fizzle written all over it for anyone west of Durham. There has to be more moisture on the model runs this afternoon or this goose is cooked. We're approaching 30 hours!
  14. We're going to be in some very rare territory to have such an isolated event east of RDU...heck almost east of 95 the way this is trending! Not sure the 2014 analog shared earlier aligns with this event as being modeled now. I see some parsing of words coming from RAH on their WWW as it relates to western counties. We'll be lucky to see an inch across the triad.
  15. I can only imagine how many "Aleets" DT just used in his last update after that NAM run. That was a thing of beauty for sure! Need that EE rule in play by tomorrow morning.
  16. Oh, so you are saying its easy to do like the Bengals did. Just sack Mahomes and throw darts to J'amarr Chase. Problem solved!
  17. Sorry, reading quickly to catch up and I was getting a vibe that many were concerned. I'm looking at the Euro scratching my head thinking everyone should be elated with these trends outside of WNC/VA. This is exactly what most were hoping for last week!
  18. These runs are bad for CNC and the Piedmont because why? Heck, I'll trade 2-3 inches of fluff for the 3" of white concrete I have outside any day! Trends are ok with me.
  19. Looks like yes but the trajectory has it mostly over Guilford County vs Forsyth. Just as well, I already shoveled.
  20. I can totally verify Colfax / Kernersville around 5" total. I just shoveled several 8" drifts off the doors of my house. Most of it probably packed down to 4" now.
  21. Great pics @Met1985! They sure did get Biltmore cleared quickly!
  22. This backside pivot looks amazing. Not sure who, but somebody is going to get another inch or two if they are in the right spot as all that precip back into AL rotates through. There's a nice blob coming right up I85 towards the Triad and then quite a bit more after that tonight. I won't call this an overperformer here, but it was certainly a nice event.....just different than expected.
  23. Daughter just showed me some decent snow at Lake Norman again. But my sleet rates here in Kernersville are just ridiculous. I might as well be in thundersleet it is coming down so hard.
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