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Everything posted by kvegas-wx

  1. A couple hundred more miles NW and I'll end up getting your storm in Cincinnati next week, which is where I'll be! LOL. Watching the board go from no storm, to a track shift, to starting a thread, to a mini-boom, to cold rain for most outside of elevation has been enjoyable today. If I were to change my career to mental therapy and advertise solely to this forum I'd be rich! I promise when I come back next Friday I'll have that 5 degree air in Cincy hitched right to my F250 and I'll drag it right on through the mountains just for you guys. Be patient!!
  2. That's simply incredible. I would love to hear @msuwxMatthew's take on this. I'm sure it has been discussed by the red tag community. This would make an enormous difference in the accuracy of any forecast (temp, humidity, wind) leading up to an event. And it would affect all models.
  3. Found it, many thanks! I would love to understand where we are with this issue today knowing flight schedules are still at a massive deficit vs pre-March 2020. The article stated that the used data points (reports) were down between 40-66% in March of 2020 and had the greatest impact on accuracy inside of 24 hours, but also degraded accuracy all the way out to 7 days. Highly directional assumption, but in an area prone to forecast busts over 2-3 degrees (southeast forum), this could certainly explain a lot.
  4. Two more adjustments like that and you'll all be traveling to Snowshoe WV for the Superbowl Party. This conversation around lack of upper air data due to Covid airline traffic reductions has me very intrigued. Has this been quantified anywhere? Did we lose 50%, 70% of our inputs? What is the likely downstream impact of that missing data on each model? Is one model more suspect to error now? I'd love to read any articles if anybody has one.
  5. And so will next weekend, but sshhhhhh....
  6. As long as we can stop wearing masks afterwards I'm down. Bring on the blizzard!!
  7. I'm going to go where the cold is at in OH all next week. I'll see if I can hitch that PV to the F250 and pull it back home for the monster next weekend. I'll be a legend on this board.
  8. Ha! Gotcha. Pack is definitely a pre-emergent fan!
  9. @BIG FROSTY isnt a former poster, he's just busy mowing lawns and putting out his pre-emergent! Grass will be growing by March 1 this year. I bet he already took the plows off the trucks.
  10. Ok, wow. You could have just said 2021 and left it at that. I can relate to that. Next time you feel like getting all technical and wordy, just substitute "2021" and heads will be nodding in agreement. In 2022, this would be an amazing explanation and beyond appreciated, if you catch my drift (not snow drift, we dont have those here).
  11. I may have to add this as a tagline quote to my profile. You could literally type this into any winter thread from Dec 1st to March 15th and be accurate. This year we can't even be certain 24 hours out. And there are a few posters here that are so badly jinxed they couldn't get snow sitting under a polar vortex with snow guns pointed at their front yard. Somebody would still forget to turn on the water. I'll retreat to the whining thread again.
  12. How in the world is it not snowing right now across the triad and points west? Radar looks plenty solid for a snow shower?
  13. This is certainly not accurate for most of NC and the southern tier of VA. That snow got washed away and melted shortly after impact. Maybe a few piles left around in the NC snow capital of Roxboro, but that will be gone by today/tomorrow too. Bring on the polar vortex and let it all freeze solid. Then catch a southern slider or Miller A on the retreat. That way everything is frozen and we get maximum accums.
  14. Thats the way this entire winter thus far feels....disorganized. Seems like we are getting bits and pieces of what we need, sloppy seconds and mediocre HP placement at best. When this pattern finally does come together, I hope all the pieces turn in our favor. Boom or bust the next 6 week folks.
  15. Can't say suppression around here Grit. The masses are quite sensitive and you get quickly labeled as "Aldi Brand Widermann".
  16. Let's get this party going. Very light flurries this morning in Walkertown!
  17. I'll see what I can do to elevate my status to Whole Foods.
  18. 2020 man, what can I say. It creeped into my weather outlook. Seriously though, we've been burned so many times in just the last couple of years that most of us dont even know which model(s) to trust anymore. Its not as much not being an optimist as it is just being gunshy. I hate cliffdiving.
  19. Cold chasing moisture, then suppression city. Two setups that never work in NC.
  20. Its days like today that really make a southern snow lover appreciate just how hard it is to align the stars and bank some snow. I also think thats why we tend to have major storms once in a blue moon vs multiple 2-4" events. You miss 98% of the time, but when you score, you score big. Growing up in Cincinnati we had 2-4" snows seemingly once a week during the winter. Down here in the Carolinas its ZR, dusting, dusting, inch, 8", ZR, ZR.....and thats over 2 years! Appreciate what you get. There's always that big thump coming.....next year.
  21. Not a clue my friend. My fun is over, but I knew you were going to get what rolled across my security cams in Stuart. Just shy of an inch, but its done there now. Enjoy while you can! May be ice for you tomorrow.
  22. Give it 10 minutes and start taking pics.
  23. Whats left of that band from RNK down to Stuart will drop almost an inch Buddy. Hang in there. Front half is virga and then the hammer drops.
  24. You're going to net at least a half inch. @BornAgain13 you're gonna get almost an inch out of this band. Everything in Stuart is completely covered and it is still coming down hard. Headed your way!
  25. Again a surprise, snowing hard in Kernersville too. Already a car topper here and covering the grass as well. Here today, gone tomorrow, but a nice surprise for many.
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