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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. California manages forestry like the Giants manage offensive lines… poorly. .
  2. Griffey was terrific but Bonds was better. Griffey was just far more likeable. .
  3. Know what’s amazing? The best sports ever is when you and alone were twelve years old! And the best music just happened to be when you were sixteen! (It works for my age as well!) .
  4. I disagree with you. His batting eye was on par with Ted Williams - he didn’t swing at pitches outside at the zone - and he squared up the ball better than anyone. He was incredible before steroids. The steroids were the extra heft that took 400’ fly balls to center and made them 425’ home runs. Hence the climate change analogy. .
  5. Great point. I’ve always likened climate change to steroids in baseball; obvious impact, more home runs, but not every home run is attributed to it. .
  6. One thing I have to disagree with is the reflexive reach to climate change for every thing that doesn’t go the way someone prefers. Understand that I’m not denying it or playing it down or don’t think it’s impacting preferred outcomes. It’s like businesses blaming Covid for every issue they faced in the past five years; sure, it’s been an issue, but sometimes it’s just how it goes. .
  7. Time flies when you’re typing into the void. .
  8. Underreported fact… it’s not only not snowing because God hates us, it’s just been dry. First dry and warm, now dry and cold. .
  9. Right. I’m not a meteorologist or scientist or engineer, but even in the most logic-driven occupations, people - who may not want to admit it - are driven by emotion and responses that they hope to find. Just take a look at Covid five years on… many, many aspects of it were ideas driven by emotion or solutions that were hoped to work, and reasonings made verboten because they did not conform. People don’t like to admit they’re wrong, or don’t like to concede a previous viewpoint could be wrong, or someone they disagree with or dislike had a valid point. It’s a good point you make about just saying, what could go wrong? You want Solution A to occur, but what could make it become B or C? It’s not a character issue, just a valid question. .
  10. But they’re then read by humans with biases, searching for what they want to find. .
  11. I have to think it’s because it’s showing you what you want to see, just like other solutions show other people what they want to see, so it reinforces their own biases. Just like a slanted news source or radio station for other topics, people love having preconceived notions reinforced. It’s marketing 101. .
  12. My wife gets a kick out of when I tell her I’m checking in to see what the weenies say. .
  13. Every Inauguration, you seemingly hear about the Kennedy snowstorm or the cold at Reagan’s in 1985. Just a neat snapshot in time. .
  14. Nothing about the people involved, more about the event itself. .
  15. Would be neat to see an Inauguration Day storm for the historical aspect of it, since they’re only every four years and D.C. has wild winter swings. .
  16. Eh, it’s nice to find something enjoyable about all of the seasons! .
  17. Oh no, I feel like you’ve been broken. That’s not supposed to happen until Juan Soto’s knees explode by Easter in a tragic lawn mowing accident. .
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