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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. Is it time to ask how our regions fare? Saaaaaay... MMU? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Always does. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. I disagree with you (and I say this with probably half of the knowledge and expertise that you have) if only because things are so wild around here from one day to the next. We'll all be lamenting sixty degrees tomorrow, and then if there's snow in a week, we'll all go out of our collective minds.
  4. I get that, but it's a small sample size and recency bias since it happened last year. I remember it being very cold in November 2002 as well, so I'm not sure how well it holds up.
  5. We got down to 36 overnight in MMU, FWIW.
  6. No, but it *feels* like when it happens, it's not great. (Yes, I know it's feeling and not data, but I think we can agree on that)
  7. December 21st. Just figured it'll be one of those years.
  8. HA! ::sobs uncontrollably:: I just noticed two things: This story, and that the Weather Channel is back on FiOS on Channel 611. Hope everyone has a great summer! https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/06/26/record-challenging-greenland-climate-pattern-is-boosting-extreme-weather-north-america-europe/?utm_term=.427d16fe6543
  9. Yes... I drove to school that day, and it was supposed to turn to rain, IIRC. It did for about ten minutes prior to my 8 am class, and then snow again right after that. We had around a foot. .
  10. My favorites overall, without going into detail, are: 2/8/1994 - 2/11/1994, solely for being 11 years old after the nothing winters preceding it. January 1996, because of course December 30, 2000, because it was the first big one since 1996, and it happened to bullseye Morris County; 18" in 6 hours. February 5, 2001, because it over performed and was very pretty January 2011, since we had some pretty good thunder snow February 2014, as we had a big front-end thump, and then sleet later on January 2016, which was more than 1996 in my neighborhood March 7, 2018, recent, but amazing to see. Devastated my neighborhood with 20"+ of heavy, wet snow bringing down trees and power lines, but the daytime rates in March were amazing to see from the perspective of a weather enthusiast.
  11. That which shall not be spoken.
  12. Huh, I just found this thread. Anyone in Morris County, or is this way further out? Trying to catch up and see if anything's changed.
  13. Me too! IMAGINE if social media were around that winter. People would have lost their minds. .
  14. I remember several things about that Tuesday, February 8th: We got to school (I was in sixth grade), and watched the snow start in English class, then moved on to Gym class, where I remember opening the door to the outside of the locker room and it being just a wall of white. Later that evening, when I got home, I remember my dad (who had told me many previous times that any snow in the preceding years was “not a real storm” and would regale me with stories of the 1960-1961 and proceeding winters) mentioning how coming home on Route 3 was an absolute nightmare (he had a briefcase cellphone at the time), and that he hadn’t seen something like this in years. He then told me, “Now this is a real winter.” Again, my all-time favorite. It had everything; snow, ice, record cold, long duration, plus I was 11. .
  15. One of my all-time favorite winter sequences. I was 11, so you can imagine how awesome it was. I remember watching the February 8th event from several classes. .
  16. Second wave of one of my favorite storms (February 8 and 11, 1994) during my favorite winter, after growing up with years of snow droughts. .
  17. December 30, 2000 and February 8, 1994 for Morris County. The recent years have been very good, but not far enough in my memory to be nostalgic for them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Got it. It looked like something that was being copied and pasted, and I didn't get the context.
  19. Ha! Whatever the predecessor board was. Eastern US Weather or something like that?
  20. Just had to make a new account after Verizon discontinued e-maii via FiOS earlier in the year (TIL I've been on this board for 12+ years!); what's the general consensus for the next 30 days? Just catching up here. Thank you in advance.
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