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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. yea, right here in this forum… first time’s free .
  2. The experts generally don’t like to use simple, straightforward language when communicating ideas. You see it in meteorology as well as Covid; my opinion is that they seem to want to sound as smart as possible to their peers, rather than their audience, who then get lost and tune them out, leading said experts to be annoyed when they’re not listened to. Just my $0.02. I see it in sales and marketing, too. Don’t bore us, get to the chorus. .
  3. They’re in a tough spot. They can’t go HAM at this stage but then complain when people chase shiny Twitter forecasts. Do you ever read their presentations? They’re god awful. I do internationally-based marketing and business development and I wish I could help the NWS. They’re making 1995 presentations in the 2020s. .
  4. How’s this for our west of the city friends? .
  5. Going off of absolutely nothing except recent experience and 30+ years of watching this, this is probably not a storm that hits my immediate area that hard (MMU and Morris County). I think someone mentioned the way the low gets here, and the way it’s forecasted to go favors eastern sections. Not looking to be a Debbie Downer, just looking to be realistic. Hope I’m wrong. Still only Tuesday, so I would hold off the excitement or disappointment for another day. .
  6. I almost threw my phone across the room after reading that. .
  7. It’s been cold this month. Just a nice steady chill. Wonder when it’ll flip, because that’s what it does. .
  8. This is why you don’t go crazy this far out. It may or may not happen, but you set yourself up for heartbreak if you take it was gospel so soon. .
  9. Mind boggling that they don’t remember that. .
  10. Hence my point. We all love snowstorms, but verify first. This isn’t my first - or even second - rodeo. .
  11. Please don’t list out amounts yet. I feel this is the same every year. It’s four days away, and that’s four days it can scoot out to sea or run up the Delaware. I’ve seen this movie before. You may not like the ending. .
  12. I’m not saying it can’t happen, I’m just saying you’re setting yourself up to lose sleep over a girl that may not be in your league. .
  13. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment talking like that this far out. .
  14. I’m almost certain that it won’t snow, if only to not get sucked in to checking the models. .
  15. 2017 and 2018 dropped a ton of snow in Morris County, FWIW. I can’t recall the past few years. I think everything last year fell in February. .
  16. I’m growing peppers on my windowsill right now! A plant from last year has regenerated, so it’ll be cool to see how it goes. .
  17. Cold and dry? Snow to rain storms? The 49ers and Bengals on the cusp of the Super Bowl? .
  18. Bingo. I’ve lived through a lot of snowless, meh winters and a lot of fun, snowy winters. A few years back, I took my son to basketball practice and it was warm and muggy and over 70° in mid-February. We got a decent snowstorm a day or two later (2018). It’s too bad the snow hasn’t worked out now when it’s cold, but everyone seems to think February is just not going to snow at all - which it may not. December was warm and all of us nerds and dweebs here were still surprised by snow on the morning before Christmas. I just wouldn’t go nuts knowing exactly what’s going to happen because we just do not know. .
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