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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. Eh, I disagree with you. Ehrlich was proven wrong 50+ years ago, and even though he pushes for depopulation, he’s conveniently still kicking at 90. More land and oceans are protected now than ever before, and we use less farmland more efficiently than in years past, making more food than ever before, with fewer people farming it, allowing nature to reclaim it. We’re also moving towards cleaner and more efficient energies. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s in progress. I just don’t care for the doom and gloom. It feeds into our base survival instinct. It’s been going on since time immemorial in different shades (today’s eco doom is just tent revivals from 160 years ago); same church, different pew. .
  2. Probably April 3 or something incredibly inconvenient. .
  3. The usual yardwork in shorts on January 4th .
  4. Putting on shorts this morning! .
  5. https://www.wsj.com/articles/natural-gas-prices-plunge-as-unseasonably-warm-weather-is-forecast-11672808996 .
  6. Imagine having zero snow days in elementary school and zero snow days in high school. Middle school and 1994 and 1996, but yea… recency bias. .
  7. At least the salt is being washed off the roads .
  8. Too soon. I’m going to sound like an old man, but they don’t know. Once they’re within five days, then I’m piqued. .
  9. I’ve stopped believing anything past five days. [emoji2371] .
  10. Because I zonal flow too much baby… .
  11. There’s definitely a market and demand for it. I think someone is going to get it to scale. .
  12. What’s interesting about this is that the way we got here - the use of fossil fuels that powered the Industrial Revolution and brought us a society that provides incredible comforts, luxuries, doubled our lifespans, being upon verge of interplanetary travel, along with the ability to connect with like-minded individuals in the palm of our hand with a signal seemingly out of thin air - comes at a cost trade-off of throwing off the climate we’re used to. I’m of the belief that someone or some business will be economically incentivized to remove/capture carbon soon to help balance us back out. .
  13. I remember February and March 1990 walking home from school after playing basketball with my friends and being in short sleeves and the trees blooming. It also snowed in April 1990 out here, I think. .
  14. I remember February and March 1990 walking home from school after playing basketball with my friends and being in short sleeves and the trees blooming. It also snowed in April 1990 out here, I think. .
  15. What’s RNA? I can’t keep up with you kids and the new-fangled acronyms. .
  16. What crime are you fighting? The lies the models tell all of us? .
  17. Might as well cancel next winter while we’re at it. .
  18. [emoji817] going to happen. Warm winter and miserable, cold, muddy April. .
  19. I bet it happened but we just didn’t notice it as kids. (This isn’t about whether or not climate change is occurring; it’s more about wheat we do and do not notice as kids.) .
  20. Maybe they're reading into a volcanic (you probably know the correct word to use here) incident cooling things off after reading your research?
  21. Awesome analysis. Something that gets me every year (especially in Winter) is why some people have to harp on the coldest or warmest solutions and can't admit that they're wrong. It's literally out of your control. Even if you read models and trends perfectly, there are so many moving parts that can be a fly in the ointment. Being wrong is a part of life. I don't understand.
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