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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. Eh, I disagree with you regarding corporations. I’ve worked exclusively for corporate behemoths my entire career - mostly European, Japanese, and a few Americans - and they’re nothing like that. They’re just opportunistic and deliver what the people demand. If people demand GHG-infused home heating or GHG-emitting vehicles, or greenwashed-EVs with rare earths, someone will deliver them. It’s just a modern, codified take on organized crime delivering alcohol during prohibition or brothels delivering outlets for shunned proclivities in medieval Europe. Capital is much like water: it seeks out the lowest and easiest point or cost and then builds up from there. .
  2. April is going to be cold and rainy, isn’t it? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Fusion will happen but it’s not drastic, overnight change. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Ding! We all want the same thing here, I believe. We want a healthy ecosystem and environment *and* people living in a modern society. For example, Natural gas is cleaner than the oil and coal and wood that used to heat our homes, though still not perfect. It will bridge us to an even cleaner source that is being worked on now, even though we don’t realize it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. I grew up next to and still live above MMU. One of my all time favorite weather memories. It’s when my dad told me this was finally a big storm like he remembered after I prayed for snow throughout the late 80s and up until 1994. .
  6. I prefer to be positive about this; the Industrial Revolution benefited all of us. We can’t deny it, and we wouldn’t want to go back to living in log cabins and huts. Fossil fuels catapulted us forward. However, the Industrial Revolution has had negative side effects. I like what you said and what I like too is that it’s just math. It’s just numbers and they tell the story. I think we’re moving forward on a cleaner usage of energy, and we’re still ironing it out. Less CO2, great; how do we have battery usage and rare earth mining and powering batteries to be better moving forward? I think we will still see breakthroughs. .
  7. You know, why not? Twitter is already a dumpster fire of people who like pontificate, so why not add to the pyre. .
  8. Reading these boards might be doing it to them as well. .
  9. I wonder if the recent decline is due to opioids, Covid, or reading the updated GFS. .
  10. …which isn’t a bad thing. .
  11. I think the air has gotten far cleaner (in the U.S. at least) in the past 50 years. .
  12. I think people like to either ignore reality (if you add more of certain ingredients into the recipe, the taste will change, often not for the better; it’s just math) or like to talk down to others (how can you be so stupid?) which then makes other people dig in their heels. Imagine talking to your wife or girlfriend like that; they’re not going to stop and say, you know what, you’re right. I’m an idiot and you know best. I think it’s best to just show cause and effect, and how someone who may not agree with you is being ill-effected by the impacts of increased greenhouse gases. My two [emoji383] .
  13. Two Februaries ago, we had 48” in MMU. It just didn’t stop and didn’t want to not snow. Now, we have zero and it doesn’t want to snow. Averages out to 24”. .
  14. Did a poster from here write this headline? https://www.nj.com/weather/2023/01/nj-weather-chances-of-snow-on-horizon-winter-isnt-canceled-forecasters-say.html .
  15. You know this winter is boring as all hell when we’re fighting over a storm from ten years ago. .
  16. Now I’m thinking you’re a couple with the way you playfully and lovingly bicker. .
  17. Right - people generally don’t do things for altruistic reasons. They do them for selfish reasons. We all do; it’s just biology. If you pay me to not chop down trees or heat my home with natural gas, I’m going to take you up on that. It’s how we operate. If a girl’s educational opportunities mean fewer children but more money, she’s likely going to take more money. .
  18. I think the birth rate comes down anyway with economic opportunity and incentive - you see that already in advanced economies. .
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