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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. Regression to the mean hurts. Not even not bothering to count every other variable. .
  2. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0nRf2rPV_y/ .
  3. Can we start putting the sun angle play in as a negative? They sunsets have just started their creep towards later (sunrises don't count).
  4. I’ve been saying this for years: it’s happening, it’s silly to deny it, but it’s also a trade-off for an advancing civilization. The warming atmosphere is occurring because we’re living better and longer, and having instantaneous and near-instantaneous communication and transportation devices. How much would you give up for a more inconvenient and arguably less healthy life (e.g., mining and smelting activities help give us trains and cars and MRIs and medicines) that comes from carbon-intensive activities? I do think we’re advancing to where technology cleans excess carbon from the atmosphere and to where we have better fuels (I work in aerospace and space engineering, and there are advanced jet fuels being tested now, both for security and environmental reasons), but we’re not there just yet. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. .
  5. I’m not saying it’s not above average; I’m just talking about how it’s communicated here. Rather than “seasonably mild,” which is boring and tranquil, “torch” conveys a hellscape. .
  6. Torch is one of those terms that’s overused (here at least) today; it’s kind of like how people now describe many jobs and relationships nowadays as “toxic.” When everything is toxic (or a torch), nothing is; it numbs the listener or reader to conditions where it’s actually toxic (or uncomfortably warm). Highs in the 40s (imo), is not a torch, but it’s been taken to the glue factory. .
  7. I find your surplus of faith encouraging. .
  8. https://apple.news/AuKG_ygP5S46wrr8dM6RYMg This sucks .
  9. All I Want For Christmas is Yamamoto on the Mets (I’m hoping this is about the Mets and not meteorology) .
  10. I don’t know what this means, but I laughed. +1 .
  11. Last Palm Sunday, I went to my younger son's baseball season opener where it was a pleasant 32 and breezy.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a miserable, chilly March, because why not?
  13. Sounds like everyone needs a hit of the powdery white stuff. .
  14. I think one thing now that we’ve swung to one side so hard is that we often forget that it can snow, even with mild conditions forecasted long range. Weird things happen, and while I wouldn’t put my trust in it, things pop up all time. .
  15. And it’s always good promotion to juuuuuust happen to have posts or news lead-ins that have potential snow and cold around Christmas or any holiday. .
  16. Oh, I’m not denying what you’re saying (in fact, I have no idea what you’re talking about), it’s just that like Christmas decorating and raking leaves, it’s a seasonal tradition to declare winter over and walk through the stages of grief. .
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