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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. Question for the nerds, and wondering if it can be answered in regular people terms: After years of being used to NW trends for every storm, why is this year the opposite, seemingly everything trends south and east? TIA. .
  2. I don’t really follow him, but don’t you think it’s the exact same mentality as warm mongerers here, or pundits continuously calling for a bull or bear market, or bookies making odds for a sporting event? People are just taking their shots hoping to be right to then enjoy the accolades. My $0.02 .
  3. People love to hear what they want to hear. We all do. .
  4. Waking up to catch up on 200+ posts on weather model and storm tracking is an encapsulation of the human emotional experience. .
  5. At the very least, really good for the drought. April is prime wildfire season, so all sorts of precipitation is beneficial. .
  6. Always fascinating how one storm means nothing to some memories here and everything to others, even while all in the same metro. [emoji2415] .
  7. I don’t fully agree with you, though I think you’re more on the ball than I am. I just think we overlook when luck or randomness when it provides us with what we want as well (in this case, accumulating snow after a warm stretch). .
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