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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. Artificially suppress? Isn’t tree growth the literal definition of natural growth and occurrences? .
  2. I think the biggest issue around here and on this board is the suspension of disbelief at this time of year that we live in a temperate climate that’s accentuated by living either right next to or in close proximity to the ocean. The ocean giveth and taketh away. .
  3. I hope you're right, but until the meh is proven wrong, you have to ride the hot hand.
  4. This is so well said. Thanks for mentioning it. Really good analysis and practical explanation. .
  5. I love your enthusiasm, but don’t these models always play these insane games? (I don’t understand how to read the models like being unable to read music, but I know a good song regardless) .
  6. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/mike-freeman/2024/01/19/sports-illustrated-layoffs-gold-standard/72283622007/ Interesting note for sports fans of a certain age, it seems like Sports Illustrated died today. Sad end, but a good life. I had a subscription 25 years ago, right around the time I still enjoyed the Local on the 8s. .
  7. is there a tl;dr for what’s going on in this post? is this someone on this board? .
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