Eh, no one really knows. (See this past week) The only thing that changes are probabilities. I’ve seen enough nice, early springs interrupted by nonsense. (April 1990 snow, March 1998 and 1999 snow, etc.) Sure, it’s unlikely, but you never know. .
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; they’re not entitled to their own facts. Interesting story published today: .
I don’t think it’s a climate change issue; it must be an informational input issue. Where you may be correct is that AGW is pushing changes on the inputs faster or slower than anticipated after input. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Nice snowstorm here. Since it’s not cold, it’s melting nicely, too, especially after being out there and shoveling out water and heavy snow. My front yard is south-facing, so it’s been compacting and melting immediately! About an hour and a half before it ended: .