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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. These are always super interesting even when I don’t understand half the things you mention. Do you automatically run these reports and gauges every day? Just interested in the process. .
  2. Hope everyone has a happy and pleasant Thanksgiving with the people most important to you. .
  3. I agree with you both… why would it stop being dry solely because it’s cold? Doesn’t make sense. .
  4. What are the parlays on December finishing above normal regardless?
  5. Good - we need the rain. Plus, easier travel. .
  6. What does that imply? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Oh, I have zero clue. Just doesn’t seem to work out at this stage in the game. [emoji2371] .
  8. whatever drugs you're on, can you share
  9. I live right by the airport, and they're probably doing preparation work for when Trump flies back in as president to go to Bedminster. Happened all the time in the first term.
  10. I always love your enthusiasm to counterbalance the wacky waving, arm flailing, end of the world postings each year, but this has about as good a chance as happening as I do to have successive and successful dates with Ana de Armas. Both things fall under the category of Things That Won't Be Happening.
  11. Honest question: how could they know for sure regarding February? It’s 75 days away. Is it just favorability and odds at this point? .
  12. Aww, I sign back in after seven months and some things never change. .
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