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North and West

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Posts posted by North and West

  1. Alright I have a tough question to ask the crew. Do I buy a new snow blower this season or wait until end of the year clearance? Our tiny but still new snowblower was not up to the job today clearing the 7 inches away. It did great on our sidewalks just not the driveway. I don't want to jinx us by buying another new one this year, likewise if it is looking meh for the next weeks should I hold off? I only ask because I know in retail they will be in full summer mode come February :arrowhead: likewise the next season's snowblowers will show up in July haha. 

    It comes down to what you’re comfortable spending in the here and now.

  2. Snow holds water initially, ripens and lets loose pretty quick.  My guess is that I80 north will hold water pretty good through 7AM Wednesday, even if the max temp in the 50s occurred prior to 7AM Wed, then it will go fast, til it freezes up Thursday or Friday. Problem area continues I95 corridor, in my opinion, and cellars, esp if power goes out and no back up generators(SAFE USE-PLACEMENT please- no carbon monoxide poisoning please.)

    Thank you!

    Make sure you clear your gutters and storm drains of snow, ice, and leaves today. We’re going to face a high likelihood of flooding in both the usual areas and their adjacent spots due to the high water table.

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  3. Lights snow started about 330 here.  around 4 o'clock switch to rain.
     It's about 75% to 25% rain to snow since then. I'm in Southern Westchester this makes no sense.

    Have you thought about it being God testing you?

    • Haha 2
  4. Here's an observation; cloudy in Woodbridge NJ with an army of plows lined up at the local mall. Lots of salt everywhere. No precip yet. Steel gray out. Throw a log on the fireplace; even if it's all rain, it's gonna be cold. Good day for homemade chicken soup.

    I’ll give you a forecast: It’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be grey, and it’s gonna last you the rest of your life.

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    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  5. MANDA and I are in an area where sometimes a five minute drive can mean a difference of several inches.  I'm at 800' here.  I believe parts of Sparta/Jefferson are 1300'+  I've already seen twice since living here zilch at our house while the top of Sparta Mountain has plowable snow.
    I'm not thinking that scenario plays out this time.  But I can easily see the top of the mountain beating me by 3" (say 5" vs 8").


    • Like 1
  6. Toot your horn as you pass exit 30 on I-80.
    Former southern Morris County resident now west central and up at about 1000'.   It makes a difference in snow totals in certain situations...tomorrow being one of them.

    This is acting very much like a storm from my childhood (borderline snows at MMU, lots in the higher elevations); the past twenty years had been a pleasant surprise when we’d get more than Sussex and Warren.

  7. How come 10 miles west of Boston is so much bigger a difference in these storms than 10 miles north or west of NYC? Is it because of the latitude? 

    Boston is also a city with a population of 675,000; New York, 8,800,000.

    New York and the metro are slightly larger.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, donsutherland1 said:

    Those maps are a huge problem. I've increasingly starting calling out and verifying the extreme maps posted on Twitter. Those posts provide no useful guidance and only serve to undermine professional credibility of meteorologists, many of whom are outstanding, but whose insights and forecasts are drowned out by the noise of the extreme posts, blind rush to be first to make a call, etc. Indeed, a female TV meteorologist from Philadelphia was criticized on social media for not making an early call for snowfall amounts when uncertainty was high. She made a forecast for a coating to an inch in Philadelphia yesterday (her first call). That looks good. Contrast that to the social media maps showing 4"-8" or even 4"-12" in Philadelphia that dated as far back as January 1.

    Quite bluntly, those who consistently post extreme solutions or earliest calls but wind up wrong over and over again lack skill. They can spin it any way they like, but skill is a function of consistent accuracy. Nothing more. Unfortunately, the public and those who read social media don't realize the absence of skill among those who take sensationalist stands. Thus, the misleading perception that meteorologists 'can't forecast' prevails even as those perceptions are far off the mark.

    Glad to see you doing that. 

    It's symptomatic of the same thing happening in the rest of the media and other subjects... CNN and other news stations are notorious for wanting to be first rather than right; in the baseball offseason, people lost their minds when Ohtani's plane was allegedly in flight to Toronto, only to have it end up being plane of the guy from Shark Tank.

    People rush to conclusions, damn the consequences. 

    • Like 2
  9. Could be a good period after that. Targeting latter Jan & Feb. 
    Lots of potential I think. 
    Snowman19 is an idiot btw

    He’s not dumb, he just likes to needle MJO, and sometimes it’s just too much and the horse needs to be taken to the glue factory.

    (Akin to me and gifs)

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