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North and West

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Everything posted by North and West

  1. Even though you’re a Yankee fan, I’m glad you mentioned that. For everything else you mentioned - which is worthwhile and true - sometimes it just doesn’t work out, and there’s nothing more to it. It’s like a date or a job interview. You think it’s a slam dunk, and it turns out to be misaligned. .
  2. They’ve been doing their best to try and kill me for over 35 years. .
  3. If my memory serves correct, it snowed a lot very soon after that 80°. That’s the one thing that people go out of their minds about when it’s not super cold; we act like it hasn’t snowed a day or two after it’s 45° or 50°. .
  4. He pops up in my suggested follows sometimes on twitter, but I’ll give him this: he seems to be direct and doesn’t talk in riddles like other pages. Keeps it simple and straightforward. He genuinely seems to enjoy weather. Just an enthusiast, from the limited amount I’ve seen. .
  5. It’s like that one girl you saw once and then never again. .
  6. or you can be in Florida and not -20 this time of year while having to pay high bonkers income tax. If you want similar weather but a better cost of living, New Hampshire has no income tax or any tax on interest or dividends; it's a tax haven in our region. You get New England weather with Tennessee or Florida tax practices.
  7. As with everything in life. .
  8. Easy. It’s because God hates the New York Metropolitan Area. .
  9. It can still snow though, even when the odds are not as favorable. Point is, three weeks out is an eternity and these things never stay static; the only constant is change. .
  10. Don’t worry, if it doesn’t happen now, it has snowed plenty of times later in the winter even when it’s been very mild preceding it. Point is, no one actually knows what’s going on even when they think they do, and things are out of your control. .
  11. This storm is going to occur based upon incredible scientific reasoning that I have fostered throughout my schooling and subsequent career: My retired parents have a flight scheduled to escape to their oceanfront condo where it’s currently 70° for a month first thing Monday Morning out of EWR. Lock it in. Signed, sealed, delivered. .
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