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Everything posted by Benadrill

  1. The lake effect that started around 1am was pretty heavy
  2. I dunno. Kind of look the same as they both go to a full white blur.
  3. This is ridiculous. Post your Mexico Beach video that you think looks similar to Dorian.
  4. Your posts just have an extremely salty tone to them. This isn't "scientific" but video from Mexico Beach or even the Air Force base area compared to video from Dorian look nothing alike. Dorian looks 100x worse. It's really visually apparent which hurricane had higher wind speeds.
  5. They say this as they nearly orgasm from watching storm chasing live streams or doing it themselves. Statisticaly speaking very few Americans could afford a rescue operations bill. If you are rescued by the government you generally aren't billed. It is only when private helicopters get involved, etc. Your body is billed like a car that is towed. But if you never asked them to help you then you shoud owe 0$, as no contract was ever agreed upon.
  6. I told someone to go stand in storm surge earlier. Pretty sure that's worse.
  7. Do you have a hard time with modern human socialization?
  8. Calling someone by their name is weird? Lol What are you supposed to call him?
  9. Go out and stand in it then, really close to the coast.
  10. Not really. Forums only worry about that when they actually have a large amount of threads/posts.
  11. You're going to complain about someone making a thread on a forum that has pretty much no activity? lol
  12. Everyone has a right to be on the road as they are state funded (if licensed and insured). No one has the right to break laws and put peoples lives in danger for 0 reason. The people driving like that are more of a hazard than any tornado. It appears they do this frequently. The mobile doppler is not that important, it's not an ambulance, a line of cars moving over for it presents more of a hazard and is illegal to do anyway.
  13. How about the dumb dumb driving it follow traffic laws and not put actual lives in danger? Tornado deaths in the US are extremely rare, lethal car crashes happen everyday.
  14. From CLE AFD Temperatures over the next couple of days will be the coldest in years for northern Ohio and NW PA. For daily records for this week and the coldest temperatures on record for the area, please see the climate section below. Whether records are broken or not, these temperatures will allow for life- threatening cold conditions with frostbite and hypothermia possible in the matter of minutes and appropriate precautions should be taken. Bundle up in several layers when going outdoors. Check on infrastructure, including water pipes and other utilities. Check on family and friends, especially the elderly. Do not leave pets outdoors for too long. And finally, be kind to one another.
  15. CLE As the Arctic airmass invades the area Thursday afternoon and Thursday night, scattered snow showers area wide will develop, especially downwind of the lake. Models indicate bands of Lake Effect snow will become likely Thursday night into Friday for the primary Snowbelt. Models continue to indicate moderate to locally heavy Lake Effect snow will be possible for far northeast Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania in the primary Snowbelt on Friday lasting through Saturday. Some early estimates of localized 6 to 12 plus inches may be possible with a good west to east fetch of wind from the lake. The blast of cold and wind chills will be the main weather storm elsewhere with scattered light snow showers for the end of the week. LONG TERM /SATURDAY THROUGH TUESDAY/... For a brief period of time, we will see a return southerly flow Saturday night and early on Sunday ahead of the next cold front and clipper like system. Widespread light snow for everywhere will be possible on Sunday with the passage of another front and shortwave. Another stronger clipper like system with better lift and moisture may bring another round of light snow to the area early next week. The is not much confidence on exact timing and amounts but the main message we are conveying in the long term is that it will be colder than average and several chances of snow for the region
  16. Vid from my back parking lot. The winds are starting to pick up.
  17. Really surprised with how heavy it is snowing.
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