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Everything posted by dbullsfan

  1. Crazy this thing is right off the west coast of Florida and here in Tampa if it wasn’t for this site I probably wouldn’t even know it was out there. I’m not exactly a news guy but there is zero buzz about this monster. .
  2. Not quite what they are getting in Tampa city limits but just lost power finally here and it’s been non stop rain and wind for a while now. Tree debris everywhere and standing water in the backyard. I know others have it much worse but really curious what it all looks like when the sun comes up. .
  3. 6 confirmed fatalities I just heard on Max's stream.
  4. Might be a case of storm fatigue as we've been following it for almost a week it seems like. I can tell you I don't think Boring is the word I'm using for it right now.
  5. agree for most people just can't imagine the frustration it must cause. Spend a ton of money to get away from a Hurricane only to get caught in a Tornado.
  6. As for the Hurricane looks almost due east now maybe slightly ENE. In between Sarasota and Bradenton looks to be likely right now. Still could wobble back to the North of course.
  7. I don't mean this to sound like evacuating from highly dangerous areas isn't important. It absolutely is. That being said I wonder how many people on the west coast/central Florida evacuated to some of these places on the east coast that are just getting crushed with Tornadoes today.
  8. Sarasota back in play if latest wobble holds.
  9. Max Velocity stream has live video, Tornado looks awful.
  10. Max Velocity has a video on his stream live of the latest Tornado near Fort Pierce looks vicious
  11. @WxWatcher007what do you make of the ENE turn over the last 30 minutes or so, a wobble or is the storm making the expected turn quicker than expected?
  12. and Further south, but people way smarter than me are saying otherwise so I'm going with them.
  13. This thing looks like it got shot out of a canon to the ENE last few frames. Hurricane Milton live wobble tracker (wfla.com)
  14. insane right now 17 active Tornado Warnings at the moment.
  15. it is going to be really interesting to see what the 2 PM info looks like with the latest wobbles more to the NNE.
  16. are they not the same? I always just assumed that is where they got their info from. Showing my noobie side.
  17. Not sure if that was directed at me but I by no means want to give off an indication the storm as a whole is a bust, the Tornado outbreak already has been bad and its only going to get worse for a ton of people as the day and night go on. My area specifically however seems to be getting spared, of course all this pending a wobble or two which can change things quickly.
  18. Wild how much this has dropped in the last few hours. The wind forecast were all over 40 MPH and most over 50 MPH just a few hours ago. My question is did the organization of the storm change? Wasn't it supposed to be heavier winds to the Northwest of the actual land fall, is that no longer the case?
  19. interesting what I'm seeing is the complete opposite looks like it's back to more of a NE movement of late and seems to be getting further and further away. Wind projections falling in line, seems like every time i refresh the wind forecast keep dropping at least here just north of Tampa. With the larger wind field I would have expected it to go up not down. Looking at the Wobble tracker it seems like a Sarasota LF could be in place and if the east turn is even more dramatic even south of there in play. Of course another wobble or two more North and Tampa comes back in play but it seems to be going well South at this point
  20. I'm pretty sure its probably not the most reliable resource but just looking at the weather.com hourly forecast. For the last 24+ hours we have had a 5-6 hour period with winds 50-60 MPH. Now there isn't a single hour with winds even as high as 40. This is a huge change in terms of wind effects. I don't know how reliable/accurate those are but its a pretty significant change to the untrained eye.
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