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Everything posted by RevWarReenactor

  1. ANother one shits the bed for I-95. Saw it coming from a mile away. ANyone who thinks this shifts back east is delusional.
  2. Would be extremely careful using those accumulation maps with marginal temps. Not even talking Kuchara, just regular accumulation maps. We've seen time and time again in the last couple of years where accumulation maps show 6-12 inches, even NWS goes with the maps, and we end up with white rain or at best a dusting on the grass. Snowquester was the most extreme example where the NAM said a foot and we got nothing.
  3. The GFS seems to be having some trouble knowing what is going on, it develops multiple lows.
  4. This storm ended up being kind of boring. On the plus side of things, many fake youtuber mets got a lot of clicks on their videos!
  5. I don't know; latest models have the center clearing eastern MA by about 500 miles. Sure-it can expand, but a Hurricane 500 miles away isn't going to deliver much in terms of winds and rain usually. Hurricane Isabel being the exception to the rule.
  6. Looks like the NWS isn't buying the hook west yet, either that or they are downplaying it for now until things get closer.
  7. Doesn't everything have to be perfect to maintain those types of intinsities? Also have seen where they hit Cat 5, a minor thing goes wrong, and the storm is never the same. I remember FLoyd in 1999 was a Cat 4, ingested a bit of dry air and that was the end of its Major Hurricane days.
  8. LR reminds me a bit of Hurricane Edouard in 1996. I was on the Jersey shore for that one and we still got winds and severe beach erosion despite it being pretty far out. Doesn't have to hit to have a impact.
  9. Albany has actually be hosed this year (relative to average). Bare ground up there most of the time, I had to chase further north. Last two storms were mostly rain. They are due.
  10. I am not sure why people post this stuff. In my experience, you take what it shows and cut it in half, you take that number and you cut it in half, and MAYBE you get that. MAYBE. Like psu said, its just too warm.
  11. Awesome! Hope it works out for you!
  12. Sometimes its difficult to make it happen. I got kind of lucky with these two storms. But this one was everything I thought it would be and more. Record breaking snowless winter here in Delaware but I can say I had my fill of snow this year. It was 24 hours + of snow up there. Still snowing when I left. I was sad I had to leave.
  13. So after last weekends fun; had to do a second chase..... Expecting 12-15 inches of snow up here. Already have about 6 inches on the ground from the previous storm, Tonight is going to be amazing! Come to papa! Should be starting in the next hour or two.
  14. Question: was the 7 hours drive up here worth it? Answer: Yes it was times 1000. Its like discovering the cheat code on getting snow. They may get hit against Tuesday, and next weekend and I might just come back, because, this is just too awesome!
  15. Heading to upstate NY to chase the wed/thursday storm Super excited. Maybe 8-12 inches if I find the right spot. If I had to deal with 70's and 80's down here on Thursday I'd probably lose it. Kind of amazing the temp contrast. Will post photos.
  16. I was in upstate NY last weekend. No snow pack until Lake George. Even Albany was grass. Thats over 300 miles north.
  17. 6z GFS looks nice at the end of the run. Sadly its fantasy land.
  18. The GFS has been pretty terrible. A few days ago that little SW low was in the Great Lakes, now its in the Gulf of Mexico. A few days ago this storm was for Upstate NY, now its congrats South Carolina.
  19. I am starting to get interested in next weekend for a upstate NY/Vermont chase. Once you resign yourself to assuming this is eastern North Carolina climo and look towards the chase; things become much less stressful in life.
  20. I feel like I've been aware of PSU now for at least 5-6 years. THings have been bad for so long that not once during that 5-6 year period have I seen him type "Upcoming pattern looks good for snow". Sad.
  21. Screw mid atlantic winters. Setting up a chase into either upstate NY or Vermont to hit both the weekend storm and nexts weeks. Snow on snow. So exciting. I am so over things down here. I can't imagine not having the chase option and having to deal with this.
  22. How did I manage to spell American wrong? Geez. I must have been so excited at seeing my first bit of snow cover for the year.
  23. Anyway, I finally reached the acceptance stage of my grief. This year I am not even tracking snow for this area. I track for anywhere within a 300 mile drive and book my trip accordingly. Had a great last few days in upstate NY. Drove into some areas that got 7 inches. It was beautiful. Highly recommended. I will go back up there if any of the upcoming storms show promise.
  24. Banter doesn't discuss weather. No one goes in the panic room or futility threads. Honestly, there is not a good dedicated weather banter thread. Hence why it ends up in the model discussion threads.
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