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Everything posted by RevWarReenactor

  1. I am fully on board the PSU train that the climate is changing. Not even wanting to fall down any type of GW rabbit hole. It just is obvious at this point. Not to kiss his butt, but PSU clearly knows his stuff. LOL
  2. DT has to be in a weird spot. Loves the Euro, hyped the Tuesday storm and pretended like his favorite model was not against him. Euro sniffed out the no storm and the GFS caved. Now he will just pretend like his previous posts didn't happen and anyone calling for a snowstorm on Tuesday is a "moron"
  3. Use to happen 10 years ago where things would trend right on the models at the last minute. Its just not a thing anymore.
  4. Yeah For Feb 2003 HECS we wanted the appetizer to be weaker. The weaker it was; the better the main event. When we only got a dusting off the appetizer, we knew what was coming...
  5. Ha! I don't get triggered by lack of snow anymore. I just get in my car and chase. It works. Last year I saw 3 snowstorms totaling about 30 inches. Good times. My panic room posts are just at the hilarity of how bad our climo is. But I am not emotionally invested anymore. If it snows here great, if not, my car is in the driveway, my leave slip is in process, and priceline hotel booking is on my laptop.
  6. First time, in 6+ years I've seen you say that a LR pattern looks perfect for snow. Exciting.
  7. LOL.....That meant to say Ex's grandparents. EX GF's grandparents
  8. Wasn't the 15/16 season one storm? Warm Rain, 40 inches of snow. Warm Rain. Not that one should complain about that, but I'd have preferred it spread out.
  9. It wasn't like this a decade ago. Seemed like every other night we were getting clippers and light snowfall. Things have been really strange. It just doesn't want to snow. Even when it has snowed here in the last decade its very non stick. Haven't had a plow in here since the BLizzard of 2016.
  10. I lived in Tinton Falls/ Mon County for 30 years. Born in Long Branch at Mon Medical. My Ex grandparents live in Whiting. People seem way too enthusiastic in the LR thread over next Tuesday's rainstorm. I am just not seeing much of anything other than a brief cool down followed by more cutters.
  11. It ended up being really bad here. Lost power from 6pm -11pm. Trees down, flooding everywhere. WHat is strange is the wind cutoff at 6pm. They were really bad and then just; done. Even when the big line of stronger rains came in; nothing. Not sure what the science behind that was.
  12. Aberdeen Proving Ground sent everyone home at 1300 and maximized telework tomorrow for sunny skies. Pretty insane. This storm better deliver, or the CG won't budge when we get snow.
  13. The criteria for closing schools has changed drastically over the decades. My mom told me in the 1960's school would be open with a foot of fresh snow on the ground. When I was in school in the 1990's, it took about 6 inches to close school. Today a squirrel farts wrong and schools close. As to the reason why, my guess is heightened liability issues. Its just easier to make it up at the end of the year than opening yourself up to lawsuits.
  14. The good old 168hrmodel runs that suck everyone in. Just be aware GFS has been constantly showing a blizzard for CHicago Friday/Saturday. This morning it turned their blizzard into a snow shower. Lets see how long the models advertise next weeks storm before the rug pull.
  15. Pretty crazy considering we've had some really good years since 2010. Just shows how bad its been since 2016.
  16. Last year I remember you said that things that should have given us snow in the past; just aren't anymore. Really stuck with me. We always walked a fine line here in the MA between snow and nothing. Maybe we've finally turned the corner and now are on the wrong side of that line.
  17. I am surprised you all aren't use to this by now. Its been almost a decade at this point since we've had a real area wide threat. Blizzard of 2016 was it. I've been aware of PSU posting here for at least a good 5-6 years. I have literally yet to see him make a post that says "everything is on track for a good storm". Its been years of "something ain't quite right with this pattern".
  18. Does anyone remember when it was Xmas and the LR thread was saying "get ready for early January pattern change and snow chances are coming Jan 3rd"!! Now its early January, rainy, warm, and "Get ready pattern change coming Mid January everyone!" LMAO!
  19. What hype? Most gave up on this threat early this week. At least for I-95. Even inland was iffy. The rest is just people being bored. 33 degrees and flurries here. No accu. More than I was expecting.
  20. Haven't had a plowable snowstorm here since 2016. 8 years. It truly is unreal.
  21. This is really pathetic. Its getting embarrassing at this point.
  22. Crazy to think Philly hasn't had an inch of snow since Jan 22, 2022. Coming up on 2 years now. Its brutal. I am not sure how people in the metros handle it. I'd be going crazy if I hadn't chased to NY state the last few years. Looks like Ill be doing more of the same this year.
  23. You know what really grinds my gears? Any and all references to "NE MD" or "Mason Dixon Line" being snow max areas. Time for a geography and climo lesson. This area in Yellow is NE MD near MD line and its gets as much snow as DC/Baltimore; maybe less. Can we instead please use the term "north and west of the cities" to describe snow max areas? This is what New Jersey does in reference to being north and west of NYC and it works great! THANK YOU!
  24. PS: The Euro is clearly smoking the funny weed. No way coastal NJ gets a foot + all the way to the beaches. Discard.
  25. Those who have been pulled back in are fools. Looking at those fake accumulation maps, all that stuff on the edges is snow that doesn't stick. When will you all learn.
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