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Everything posted by RevWarReenactor

  1. I just don't see it. March. Daylight. Temps likely above freezing. Classic white rain setup.
  2. I think this is a none event for I-95 corr. But you will basically be able to walk to snow.
  3. I don't buy it. Shows icing here in nothern Delaware and I can tell you we are already at or above freezing. The rain is dripping off my car. Maybe far far north western areas, but even there, the cold is going bye bye.
  4. HRRR says precip returns, but it is probably rain by then.
  5. Definitely an odd storm. Was worried about a changeover all this time when a lot of us should have been worried about the storm just ending. No sleet or ice to speak of. Its just over. 3 inches here. Can't complain that we sneaked this one in.
  6. I actually think lack of precip here and not temperatures will be what keeps totals lower. Looks to shut off out to the west long before temps are an issue.
  7. A dusting. Snow is coming down though. I guess it's our turn up here, but the mixing line is moving north fast. I don't think we will get the totals that areas like DC got before the changeover. You guys should be happy with 2-3 inches.
  8. Snow is apparently quite a rarity here. So a near miss storm at any point is very disappointing. It was December 9th last year too. Remember how that turned out?
  9. You can't make this stuff up. I feel bad for DC, truly. Cruelty beyond belief.
  10. Consensus is pretty crazy. Looks like Morehead City/ Beaufort/Emerald Isle are finished. Its really a shame. Been vacationing there since 1990. It really been built up a lot in the last 10 years. Bogue inlet pier has survived Fran, Bertha in 1996, and all the rest since. They just installed a brand new pierhouse. Thats all bye bye if this goes as forecasted. All those new million dollar houses on the beach with no protection.......
  11. I am in Delaware and I go to the Mid Atlantic Forum. This place is dead. My weather doesn't always conform to DC, but areas as far north as northeast MD do get mentioned which is only 50 miles from Philly. It's also better on the days with a more northern snowstorm where DC gets 2 inches and I am looking at 6 inches and I can feel like I am in the sweet spot VS going to a NYC subforum and feeling like I am getting hosed.
  12. I quit my idea of being a MET after my first year in college. The math I needed was RIDICULOUS. I am SO glad I got out. I have a good job that I like and I am making more now than I would have being a MET. I can still have meteorology as a hobby. No problem with that.
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