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Everything posted by RevWarReenactor

  1. Thanks so much for the information and maps! Its a huge help! I am really getting excited for the chase and to experience some winter,. I think the Rutland area might be my place to go. Although I might adjust if there are any significant changes. I am comparing forecasts and its worth the little bit extra driving passed Albany into VT. I don't mind driving. I've adjusted. 7 hour drives to me are like nothing. It will be awesome for a number of reasons, below 0 temps Friday night (which I've only experience one other time in my life) Snow already on the ground, and then more. It will be a good weekend for sure. Some time to just clear my head. Again, thanks for the advice and help!
  2. I am not necessarily after that one spot that is going to do the best in this storm. I just want to see a decent snowfall. But still, if traveling to an elevated area means quite a bit more, I shall do so.
  3. Thanks! yeah, haven't booked yet. Just kind of zeroing in on a location. The problem with going way up into elevated areas is that there might not be hotels. But I am researching right now. I'll probably wait until tomorrow or Friday to book.
  4. Thanks for the map! A journey further northwest looks to be in order.
  5. I am going to chase Saturday to Albany. Even if its only 1-3 inches (I am hoping more like 3-6)......it will be nice to see some damn snow for a change.
  6. "Looks good in 10-15 days"= In 10-15 days it will be a terrible pattern and we will say it looks good in 10-15 days.
  7. Doesn't even seem like cold air is the only problem. No precip.
  8. I am thinking of Poconos too, or further Northwest. Looking forward to some snow this weekend.
  9. I remember that. I think it was 2015. I remember very clearly going for a walk in the park and breaking a sweat. But we turned it around that winter and got some decent snows if I remember correctly.......
  10. Thanks again for your help and in the location information! Maybe I need to split the difference and find an area that gets more snow but is still a reasonable commute into work. It won't be ideal snowise, but it will be better than what I have here. I honestly think I might average less snowfall than DC and its strange that I have the same climo as Atlantic City. So its just not a good area. Too far east to do well in marginal events, too far west for a lot of coastal stuff. This garbage pretty much sums it up. Look at my location. That is what coastal storms often do for me, and as we saw last week, that is what I get from marginal events. Nothing. I win neither way.
  11. Thanks so much for the description of my area!! Its very interesting and informative. See the below map for my location (black X), I am at the base of Iron Hill (circled in Red), which is a 332 ft hill and the highest in Delaware. I still have a 90 ft elevation but you'd be shocked that small difference between 90ft and 332ft often means a bit more snow up there. They got a bit more out of the last event (instead of nothing here they got a dusting there). Its only a half mile away. I honestly thought I was north enough to not see much impacts from either bay. I thought wrong. Also of note is the blue triangle, I drive that way to work and I have no idea why but its always a degree colder and snowier in that spot during marginal events. Its so strange. Its not even super elevated. I wonder if the hills to the south provide a buffer zone from the Cbay. Thanks for the information on your area. That would be a place I could live. But an hour and a half drive to work probably isn't doable for me. Maybe I could land somewhere north of Bel Air. That way I am in a better area, still within civilization, and within about 45 mins of work. I don't know. But even a 5 mile drive from APG up route 22 to I-95 away from the bay yields more snow. I've seen it happen. So the further away. The better. Thanks for the details on the climo. I guess I can't really argue it any further. It just feels like there needs to be an account of the years we get a lot more snow and that needs to be factored into the potential. But I guess ultimately, the totals we get on a year by year basis, don't lie. All they tell me is, I need to move to another area.
  12. I get what you are saying in regards to the median. I still am not sure its an accurate measure of what the potential is. I want to know why the NWS uses average and not median. The capital weather gang also uses the average. Sure, the lower amounts will skew it down, but its range bound on the downward end but not on the upward end. Again, I don't think 10 inches would represent a good number for DC because in the example I used, if DC got around 10 inches for 10 years, it would be below what is expected. Not what is expected as you have said. Maybe we just have to agree to disagree. I understand the point you are making fully. I am just not sold it is an accurate measure of things. I don't think other pro mets are either. As far as the SW to NE orientation; that's the thing, it doesn't apply here. I am a full 80 miles west and somewhat north of Atlantic City. Did you know, we have similar climo? The west part does me absolutely not good. Far enough west to miss coastal storms. That's about the only thing the west part does for me. Its because, like you said, the Delaware Bay and the C bay are up my ass. Like I said, its a **** area for snow. Honestly, part of the reason I bought here is because I assumed that the SW/NE orientation balanced things out. It doesn't. I'd probably be good with about 35-40 inches per year. Its a good amount but its not so much that it gets annoying (I wouldn't want to do the 150 inches Syracuse does). I've thought about moving out into mapgirl Katie land, but honestly, no offense, its in the middle of nowhere. I like having all my resutrants, malls, hospitals, grocery stores, within about a 10 miles radius. I am not a fan of taking a 30 minute drive to civilization. I have to balance that with my love of snow and I just don't think its enough to make me move. I really would love nothing more for their to be civilization somewhere, anywhere, to the northwest of my location that is still within a doable driving distance from APG. But after extensive research, that place doesn't actually exist. Its a **** area. But I appreciate you replying to me!
  13. My house went from this, to this, in literally 7 minutes. Got in on a little yellow returns, and I wasn't there to see it. :-(
  14. Snowsquall misses APG to the north. Unreal. Must be content with watching my house in Delaware get it via my security cam. Looks like its coming down up there.
  15. Anyone else getting the snow squall warnings on their cell phone? Our entire office has their phones going off. Rather interesting. Snow squall inbound for APG area. Its sunny but the skies to the west certainly look ominous.
  16. Nice pics, amazing, how a short ride to the west is the difference between a nice snowfall and nothing more than a mailbox dusting here.
  17. Nothing more than a glorified snow shower for this area. But that was no surprise. Now on to what we do best, a SE ridge.
  18. I am not really sure I understand why areas further east get hosed on this since it seems the precip would arrive later tonight when its cold. But I don't really care. This is a non event for everyone except the western mountains.
  19. DT is also pretty funny. His headlines were "warm now but big changes coming in early Jan". Then it went to "Big changes coming, but how long will they last?" Now he just went dark.
  20. This tactic doesn't work. Done the whole log off for 2 weeks and came back to find 2 more weeks of winter was gone and it was still doom and gloom. Its happened 3-4 times.
  21. If you take the last 3 Jan and 3 Feb's in DC; they have averaged about 3 inches of snow per month. It's only that high because of the Jan 14th storm from last year. Otherwise, the average would actually 1 inch per month. The mountains are different, but if we want to talk I-95, really this is normal. 1 inch for Jan and 1 inch for Feb with a 10% chance of a real snowstorm is pretty much where we are these days. So this is not abnormal is it guys? We are the new Charleston SC.
  22. It's much easier to take a winter where there is no chance than a winter where they say there are chances all winter and then its March and we have nothing to show for it...kind of like the last couple of winters around here. Maybe this is a 2011-2012 redux. I seem to remember that was the one where 50 degree days in January were standard and we got like a dusting of snow all year. But it was alright because we were never in the game to begin with.
  23. My forecast for I-95 based on the latest model runs: Warm rain transitional to a colder rain before ending. Minor accumulations of the colder rain.
  24. LOL True. You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.
  25. There is a difference between excessive complaints and disappointed commentary mixed in. The only thing worse than people complaining about lack of winter weather, is the people who complain about the people who complain about the lack of winter weather. #getarealproblem #itsjustsnow #justforgetaboutwinterandgofocusonsomethingelse.
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