06Z GFS and 12Z GFS looking for the most part the same, with the exception of slightly lighter amounts in Western MO.
12Z NAM vs 06Z has the system wrap up in KS as opposed to OK, backs off of snowfall in OK to around about an inch, and bombs in KS.
Overall, GFS holds steady after jumping more towards the Euro overnight(good to see the 12Z run of the GFS do that, as the 06Z and 18Z can be unreliable).
Will see what the Euro does, I've got to think it's going to move the goal posts a little bit and go a touch north after shifting so far south(as models tend to do until they hit a nice in-between).
All we need really is for the NAM to sync up with the Euro and we can start locking in a solution at this point in time.
Also, if you take any stock in the 06Z Euro, it maintains the overnight's thinking of a southern solution.