Checking in after a serene and beautiful snowy night in Tulsa.
It looks like we picked up around 5-6 inches of snow in Owasso on the north side of Tulsa and it was still snowing on my way to work this morning, so we might have added another 1/2 inch.
Southern side of town got closer to 6-7.
It's very rare we get a model trend change in the last 24 hours that drastically IN OUR FAVOR. We went from 1-3 inches predicted in Tulsa, to 4-6 predicted.
Other places on this forum got an even more drastic snowfall prediction change.
It reminds me of when I was a kid in the early 2000's. I loved the weather just as much back then, but as a 10 year old in 2000, I didn't have access to weather models, etc. I just sat in front of the TV watching the weather channel or every local news station, obsessing over any minor change. So it was easier back then to be surprised by a storm in a good way, because I simply didn't have the models at my fingertips like I do now.
So this storm felt like a nice throwback.