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Everything posted by NEG NAO

  1. Still have a lot of time for changes -Actually the 12Z GFS moved closer to the Para - GFS solution at 12Z before it moves east because the previous storm is blocking it out to sea - also on the Para it changes to snow after starting as a mix
  2. This article states that this is going to be a strong SSW event similar to 84/85 - others have said there is a chance the vortex will split - strong and split what might happen then ? *Stratosphere warming watch* Strong signals now emerge for a disruptive stratospheric warming event in early January, possibly impacting the course of Winter (severe-weather.eu)
  3. All by its lonesome and too warm and more then likely wrong in some way...........
  4. and the SSW event in January 1973 did NOT lead to any significant increase in snowfall the rest of the winter as 72-73 ended up with 2.8 inches in NYC
  5. did the 73-74 winter season have a SSW event ? IMO this advertised SSW event soon is going to be the wild card this winter - it will probably change the current storm tracks we have been experiencing and also if there is a split in the PV that just makes things more uncertain and complex.*Stratosphere warming watch* Strong signals now emerge for a disruptive stratospheric warming event in early January, possibly impacting the course of Winter (severe-weather.eu)
  6. calculate the percentage from this: monthlyseasonalsnowfall.pdf (weather.gov)
  7. Plenty of hints on various models of an east coast storm during the 1st week in January but its too far out for them to be consistent and accurate.............
  8. In addition take a look at previous seasons when NYC received over 10 in. of snow in December and report back....
  9. Does this reinforce the idea of not trusting some models past a certain number of days ?? even though the AO, NAO and PNA were and still are favorable for winter weather around these parts next week BUT how about the EPO ? Can't seem to find anymore graphics to show the EPO since I heard the NWS took them away ??? Also some in the weather community were so certain that the early next week system would not be able to cut because of the block setting up and would be forced to redevelop south of us . What contributed to the system being able to cut and not redevelop ???? Or is this still a possibility at some point next week ????
  10. yes but DT said this is the best pattern he has seen since Jan 96 and Dec 2009
  11. Early next weeks event the 28th - 29th has a very low chance as of now for frozen precip in most of NYC metro IMO - The 31st - 1st event is the one to watch as the block is more substantial and whatever storm comes down the pike is forced south and east of NYC Metro as illustrated on the 0Z EURO OP
  12. There is a new thread created by Walt for next weeks potential
  13. as you can see from all of the OP runs of the various 12Z models I just posted because of the first batch of cold air escaping along the coast after Christmas there is no cold air in place for the redeveloping coastal low and it then hugs the coast coming north resulting in warm ocean air along the coastal plain in NYC metro need this setup to change in order to get a snowstorm early next week IMO.
  14. The cold enough air does not stay entrenched prior to any storms arrival both the GFS and EURO shows this
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