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Everything posted by NEG NAO

  1. I think the 12Z GEM will adjust going forward seems confused takes the low only up to the Delmarva and stalls and moves west slightly - basically its going to come down to where the confluence line is north of us..........BUT warning level snows southern and eastern half of metro
  2. Then at hour 84 the 12Z NAM in its unreliable range starts moving west towards the NJ coast after stalling out in its previous few hours. All in All the transfer at hour 60 -63 can be seriously considered BUT after that we still don't know the exact track of this storm..........
  3. on the 12Z NAM the transfer to the coast happens between hr. 60 -63 - after that in its unreliable range the storm starts taking a near benchmark track up the coast
  4. IMO Dec 19-20, 2009 is the top analog storm for the upcoming event - at least in regards to precip distribution across the area - although no 2 systems are the same..... also I am siding with the EPS solution until proven otherwise...…….always go with the best Snow storm, December 19-20, 2009 - Storm Summary (raymondcmartinjr.com)
  5. I am hoping we don't get that stalled out EURO coast hugger from 0Z because we have to keep the wind direction from more of a NE direction and hope the cold HP doesn't start sliding away to the northeast too fast and allow too much warmer ocean air to get involved - need a benchmark track .......
  6. the big question now is how much snow we can get to accumulate before midnight Jan. 31 (Sunday) - to determine if NYC metro is below normal snowfall - normal snowfall or above normal snowfall for the month ...........the unreliable 84 hr. NAM does not have the snow beginning till late evening at the earliest....
  7. EURO OP and most other models don't have an idea what is going to happen with the storm once it redevelops south of us - the storm itself is still off the Oregon/California border getting ready to move down the CA coast
  8. The primary low will reach the Ohio Valley sometime Sunday and then because of the blocking to its east/northeast will form an area of LP around the Hatteras area - classic transfer BTW - from that point the track of the LP is critical - does it start riding up closer to the coast or does it take a more northeast track ? The perfect track for us is a slow benchmark classic track just far enough off the coast so warmer ocean air doesn't get involved here - its impossible at this range to predict what actually will happen maybe in a couple days we will have a better idea..........
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