NYC CP 45.1
LGA 48.5
JFK 34.0
KEWR 50.5
Just remember all time record of 79 this date in 2003 and December 2003 NYC had 19 inches and January 2004 17 inches snowfall..........this current pattern of warm and drought dry with cold shots in between is getting long in the tooth and all that snow cover up north and cold is building fast.........combined with a weaking La Nina later this year and early next year........
Snow and ice storm, December 5-6, 2003 - Storm Summary
Also used analog years with a weak to moderate La Nina that followed a EL Nino Winter
66 -67- 51.5 Inches Snow NYC Cp
2013 -14 - 57.4 Inches NYC CP
2020 -21 - 38.6 NYC CP
1995 -1996 - 75.6 NYC CP