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Everything posted by NEG NAO

  1. This is a litttle odd the 12Z Euro develops a LP southwest of us on the 19th moving NE and the 06Z GFS does the same delivering a snow event BUT the 12Z GFS doesn't have it
  2. and triple the amount of school bus drivers - plus how are school crossing guards going to deal with working in the dark ?
  3. try and make sense out of this: Winters around here are impossible to predict snowfall in advance monthlyseasonalsnowfall.pdf
  4. Deal ! BUT also post if its 32 and snowing
  5. when is the last time the hour 231 GFS verified ? The model is unreliable at best past a few days........
  6. Bad idea especially during inclement weather - you want your kid leaving for school at 7 am in the dark ?
  7. you'll get your dusting on Saturday
  8. so you agree we are going into a cutter pattern ? Consider the source you responded too- look at the guidance....
  9. the model solutions change on every model run - still 9 + days away out of forecasting range.......
  10. Need the ridge out west to move away from the coast into the Rockies for a more favorable snowstorm pattern along the east coast which would also favor a better chance of negatively tilted trough axis in the east......another crucial ingredient needed is a Negative NAO along with a strong anchored HP in southeast Canada....
  11. here we go again with the GFS long range
  12. then should ask Tropical Tidbits creator Levy Cowan why ?
  13. The GFS is a model loaded with mistakes in the coding which causes glitches in the output - also its obvious the GFS can't be trusted anymore past 60 hours and should be treated similar to the NAM - how many wild goose chases have we sent on with wrapped up blizzards several days in advance here over the last few years to eventually fizzle out in future runs ? That is what helped create this thread prematurely...
  14. Its obvious we aren't going to get much with a positively tilted trough axis
  15. the 0Z Euro Suite will determine which side of the fence we are on with this potential and will have an impact on the BOM output,,,,,,
  16. I think it could be similar to todays event with the heavier amounts south of the area and 1 - 4 in the metro.......as of now....although any banding could produce 4 - 8 in those areas
  17. However you want to define it - BUT I am siding with the voice of reason on this one - Walt- he tells it like it is and doesn't wishcast.......
  18. its still hanging the energy back in the southwest right ?
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