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Everything posted by Vice-Regent

  1. If true this area is finished indefinitely if hurricane climatology comes in line with temps.
  2. That's why it's incredible to go from that to almost nothing.
  3. Be the change you want to see.
  4. I call bullshit. Our snow climatology is completely changed. It's gotten so ridiculous that Manchester in the hills is looking at one warning criteria snowfall a decade.
  5. Wow why can't we get the front to clear from the midweek storm. That's most depressing thing I've seen this year Dude you got like 28C waters off your shore. What else could happen? The times are changin'...
  6. Now we transition to a warm season board. That's a good way to start the decade.
  7. I would wager there is less to burn per acre? Thoughts? On a positive note the moistening trend should move from West Australia to the deep south going forward.
  8. The air is super dry. My god man.... this winter is garbage shit. I will miss the rockin' 2010s.
  9. A.) Why are we not headed towards disaster? B.) Why is global warming a non-threat? Quite the contrary it appears to be a threat multiplier at a time when we are most vulnerable.
  10. Well better get back into the hall and steer this ship away from disaster.
  11. Right but for the wrong reasons. Curtailing overpopulation through personal decisions just serves as palliative care for your posterity at this juncture will not turn our trajectory away from resource overshoot or rather for the more sensible among us - extinction. Have fun whistling past your 2030 graveyard because dieing in 2050 will just be that much better.
  12. LMAO 36F+ temperature anomaly on the shores of Hudson Bay.
  13. That's what happens when your primary is in Minnesota.
  14. So that's why the Germans lost world war 2.
  15. That's one way to get me to stop posting. Talk about crippling damage.
  16. All failed movements always end in hate speech and fear-mongering. As well that's how you can weed out the liars from the people operating on good faith.
  17. When the operational is bad you go straight for the EPS in order to attain mental comfort. You know nothing John Snow.
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