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Everything posted by KoalaBeer

  1. Ok Mother Nature you can take a break now. You have impressed me enough for one day. Absolutely stunning.
  2. Of course the core redeveloped south. Saw that happening. To dangerous to surf with the lightning but also missed the goods of the storm of course. Either way impressive structure looking south into Seabrook/Salisbury
  3. Sexy mammatus clouds filling the sky over Hampton.
  4. Sexy mammatus clouds filling the sky over Hampton.
  5. Ya that cells been impressive at times. Been pulsing up and down. Pretty impressive anvil out to my west. Don’t think I’m messing around with hopping in the water to surf at this point. Beers on the porch watching it roll in instead. Edit: I just know this sucker is going to barely slide south of me looking at radar
  6. Expecting that Derry cell to get warned shortly. Suns fully out here. I’d think it holds together pretty well as the line moves east.
  7. Nice you guys need it. Looks like the line is filling in down from the lakes region and intensifying. Going to be a race in time for me to get out of work, get my wetsuit on and get out surfing. Ocean + Lightning is something Im not trying mess with.
  8. Not sure I’ve seen a MD with only a 5% chance of a watch being issued. Interesting as the discussion isn’t really conservative either.
  9. Yup I’ve noticed that as well. But other times they collide with the sea boundary and things go boom. Those are the good ones!
  10. Convection starting to pop on radar but already waning out. Still pretty much full overcast on the NH seacoast but just starting to break up. Vegas is cooking before noon. Good lord.
  11. MRGL risk now. I got left out but not surprised. Complete overcoast on the coast here.
  12. Really good discussion by NWS Las Vegas. They aren’t messing around and are sounding the alarms. Could very well be one of the worst weather events of the year regarding fatalities and human impact unfortunately. Kudos to tip he was sniffing this event out a week ago in a post. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=VEF&issuedby=VEF&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1 “Regarding impacts: The last time we experienced heat of this magnitude and duration was late June & early July 2013. During that event, southern Nevada saw nearly 30 fatalities and over 350 heat related injuries as well as temporary power outages. Some of those impacts were surely increased due to the 4th of July holiday period but nearly 2/3 of those fatalities occured while indoors...providing a clue that it isn`t just increased outdoor recreation that led to those impacts. There are more considerations that go into evaluating heat risk including vulnerability but given the magnitude of this expected heat wave, most if not all of the population will be at high or very high risk. The lengthy breakdown of the heat concerns in this discussion are specifically intended to contextualize this expected heat event vs others and to bust the myth that this is typical for the Desert Southwest. It isn`t.”
  13. If only we were on the west coast. He’d be all over this
  14. Man that’s some weird polygons out by Albany. Storm is moving due east and they have a polygon pointed southeast and northeast on it. Anyways, tomorrow could be interesting for some strong storms if you want to believe the NAM. Also hoping that TD of the Carolinas gets its act together and delivers some waves to the coast. Haven’t brought the surfboard out lately.
  15. Two pump chump nowadays? On a completely different note I came here to post this hilarious and egregious lead story on Yahoo! right now. How the hell did they think it was a good idea to use that graphic, while they got the graphic correct in the article is beyond me. Bunch of clickbait a**holes probably gave a lot of uninformed folks a heart attack. Not to mention no model or forecast has a Hurricane developing out of this.
  16. I’m certainly curious to hear people thoughts on the current tornado classification system. I mean as it stands the El Reno tor is officially an EF3. We all saw the photos of the Twistex teams car. So someone more knowledgeable then me...does the EF scale only apply to standing structures (barns, homes, silos etc?) The YCC article I posted states Doppler on wheels is recording winds speeds at the surface 43mph then suggested. Do we need to rethink how we classify tornadoes again in the near future with the technology we have now? I think we all know an EF3 isn’t leaving a ground scar like this despite whatever it did or did not hit on its path. Either way as we move later into June looks like this could be another pretty slow year for Tornadoes.
  17. Good article here. Mostly pertaining to EF5 tornado frequency, but also touches on CC as well. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2021/05/its-been-a-record-long-time-since-the-last-ef5-tornado-what-does-that-mean/
  18. Nice thunderstorm for the fish looking out towards Cape Ann.
  19. Ya I don’t know maybe Southeast MA gets in on some goods later based off meso models. Not seeing to much to go that aggressive on a discussion. Without looking at any data, these hot New England days rarely seem to produce hail, and more in the way of tropical downpours without way better dynamics. Paging @weatherwiz for a take.
  20. Ya re read your post and got what you were referring to with the downsloping coming off the whites. But also Laconias DP has dropped from 62.1 -> 57.2 in 31 minutes. Seems a little much to not be the front no?
  21. Ya still felt brutal out there when the sun was fully out. Looks like it’s starting to move through the lakes region now according to mesowest obs. Current DPs for NH.
  22. Same, I always play better walking. More time in between shots to think and relax. Unfortunately I got a weird foot issue going that it’s tough for me to walk more then 9. Looks like my wishes will come through and I’ll get some good downpours on the NH seacoast. Bunch of downpours forming on the NH/MA border!
  23. Ditto. Made tee times Friday/Saturday this week right when I saw the forecast. Personally I have zero desire in swinging them in this heat. Really hoping we get some storms here later. Sleeping was brutal last night. Need some rain to cool my apartment down by tonight.
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