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Everything posted by KoalaBeer

  1. They just wanted to put the weenies out of there misery from seeing the rain streaming in.
  2. Can confirm...no power for a week in a half at my house in Methuen for that one. Funny part was I was living in Colorado at the time and flew in the night of that storm...power came back on the day I left to go back...heh. Not really sure what to expect up here for this one yet. Im farther north now but I'm 100 yards from the water.
  3. Well the 0z Euro picked up the slack haha.
  4. I was only 11 but have vague memories of going snowboarding over at Ski Bradford for that one. Looks like that one was a banger up here. This thread also popped up while googling that storm.
  5. What an abrupt shift in temps that was on the coast in Hampton. Dropped 10 degrees in one hour from 69 to 59. I just made the move up here and though I'm sure I'll miss out on some snow from my last location in Methuen, overall the weenie in me will enjoy the weather here more being right on the water. Bring on the Nor'easters the next few weeks. I want to see what real high wind warning criteria actually looks like for once.
  6. Holy crap that's awesome. Snow wasn't as intense here but the wind absolutely ripped as the squall passed through Hampton, NH. It was quite the impressive 20-30 minutes.
  7. Ya I’m skeptical but still going strong. Squall warning just issued all the way to the coast.
  8. Up visiting the parents in Southern NH. This squall should be fun.
  9. Some good squalls upstream on radar today. Could impact the pm commutes especially if they are accompanied by some strong winds. This weekends not looking good though. Going to go ahead and cancel my plans to head up to Ragged as they will definitely be all rain it appears. Friday’s severe wx down south could be nasty, going to track that instead of this weekends mess.
  10. So where is all that snow filling in across Essex/Middlesex county haha? Not trying to be harsh but it was pretty clear on all guidance that wasn't going to happen. Hoping you guys score decent down there but looks like its punting east on radar rather fast.
  11. I was just thinking yesterday how moderate the temps have been this winter compared to the past few. There doesn’t seem to be many anomalous swings either way (cold or warm) when I feel like we had some big cold shots and then huge warm ups in recent years. It’s still early though.
  12. Ya it’s snowing good here now as well, nothing really on radar.
  13. Foot plus at Attitash. Conditions aren’t all that great through. Super bumpy and the ice base is exposed in many areas from all the traffic. Not so fun on a snowboard although the skiers look like they are having a good time.
  14. Ya it’s a great area. Tons of fun in the summer and winter. I’m lucky the parents have the cabin up here and I can visit whenever I want. Still moderate/borderline heavy snow. Should end up with over a foot and conditions on the slopes will be awesome tomorrow. Big bummer if this weekends system turns everything back into a block of ice.
  15. Quick measurement puts me at 11 inches up in Ossipee . Coincides well with the 10.3 reported in Acton Maine at 7:30 not far from here. ...York County... 5 NNW Acton 10.3 in 0727 PM 12/30 Public Also closing in on 24 hours straight of snow or sleet precipitation. I was expecting more of a break this afternoon.
  16. Haha ya that is one image to save.
  17. Just got back from Attitash and what a dynamic system this is. 23f and ending as sleet for round one. 6.5” at the cabin in Ossipee. Thunderstorms down at the NY/CT border?
  18. Pouring snow out again up here. Conditions at Attitash are great. Sleet lasted less then an hour before switching back to all snow.
  19. Heavy sleet now after picking up 5 inches overnight in Ossipee NH.
  20. Huge flakes and heavy snow under this band. Hopefully we can stay snow for a while I plan on heading to Attitash or Wildcat in the AM.
  21. All snow here in North Andover about .5 miles from the airport. Looks like we might flirt with IP soon though.
  22. Are these MDs the SPC have been doing on individual super cells relatively new? I feel like I’ve only seen them in the past year or two. SUMMARY...Based on recent radar and environmental data, a strong to potentially intense tornado with potential peak winds of 110 to 155 mph (EF1-EF3) is likely ongoing and tracking towards Alexandria, LA. DISCUSSION...Recent radar signatures from KPOE as of 1832z reveal a long track tornadic supercell characterized by a 0.5 degree rotational velocity between 61 and 70 kt. A tornadic debris signature has also been noted on recent radar scans. These signatures are occurring in an environment characterized by STP between 4 and 5. Previous signatures within similar environments produced tornado-damage-estimated wind speeds from 110 to 155 mph and confidence is high for likely strong to potentially intense tornado. A tornado is ongoing and may continue based on the rotational velocity continuity and the storm moving within a favorable downstream environment.
  23. Fair enough. Guess I’ll head over to banter cus SE forum is a ghost town. Back on topic I’m looking forward to the snow tomorrow. Hopefully it can stick around a little longer this time. Pretty rare for me to be at around 25 inches by Dec 17 if this pans out right.
  24. Then why lock the thread wiz started? It’s shaping up to be a significant event and not like anyone is posting in the SE forum about it. Not sure why that thread bothered you so much to lock it compared to some of the other garbage that gets posted...I for one was interested in posting in there.
  25. I just had an 17 inch snowfall vaporize in a day and a half followed by another 3 inches that is also long gone and your guaranteeing a white Christmas?
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