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Everything posted by lilj4425

  1. Still 44 degrees. Not expecting anything here with that but rain.
  2. That right there tells me the HRRR is out to lunch. Poor thing is all by itself. It will be okay little buddy.
  3. Just remember who created this thread. It’s all the blue turd’s fault. Bloo Q Kazoo.
  4. These dang models won’t stop flip flopping. HRRR came in warmer but NAM and SREF came in colder. Do something isohume.
  5. http://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/sref/srefplumes/ One member has me getting 15 inches. LOL.
  6. Need a high pressure in the northeast. Would make me feel better.
  7. Talk about you and me being right on the line. Lol. I-85 is the split for sure.
  8. Maybe isohume will bust badly on the wrong end for once. Wishful thinking but one can hope. Lol.
  9. This system doesn’t even deserve a HWO. Maybe a SWS instead.
  10. Thank goodness. I was getting worried the models were trending back towards snow here with the latest Euro run and all. Whew.
  11. Unless the GFS and NAM verify. I’m North and west of I-85 and those two models have me getting zero accumulation. The Euro has me getting four inches.
  12. We will be lucky to even get that. 35 degrees and rain is what I’m expecting.
  13. Well, that’s depressing. Mack is probably having a meltdown somewhere. Back to beer and football I guess.
  14. Guess the NAM took everybody out behind the wood shed. Oh well. The threat was fun while it lasted.
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