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Everything posted by lilj4425

  1. It’s falling apart faster than we can put it back together. We won’t even get a dusting. Lol. Cancelled schools for nothing again I see.
  2. That warm bubble over GSP though. The weather gods really do hate us. Lol.
  3. The qpf is supposed to blossom right on top of us. Ignore the stuff out to the west. That’s not where our qpf will come from.
  4. Her map has a dusting-1.5 inches for Greenville. LOL.
  5. Party at Brick’s house. Shake your tomatoes.
  6. The whole system is a fail already. Just pack it up. Close the thread.
  7. Atlanta and Charleston are going to get more snow this winter than Greenville. Sad. Just sad.
  8. This system blows. We’ll be lucky to see anything.
  9. I don’t care. Why? Because I’m in Florida. Lol.
  10. The name of the city you live in is hilarious.
  11. A bit nippy up there: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-71.304915&lat=44.274887#.WkWUBkpOnDs
  12. If it can’t snow here then I don’t want it snowing anywhere. Muhahahaha.
  13. I went from nine inches to zero. She just wasn’t that hot. Plus it’s really cold outside.
  14. We all need to get drunk and forget about the weather.
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