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Everything posted by lilj4425

  1. Watch it be the one to verify. LOL.
  2. Gives me over 2.5 feet of snow.
  3. Yay. The map above shows over a foot.
  4. Anybody got a snowfall map of the new FV3?
  5. Why must you ruin my day like that? Dang warm noses.
  6. This is how much snow we are going to see.
  7. Good to hear after the GFS pulled the rug out from under us.
  8. That’s it? What happened to our 20 inches?
  9. That’s all? Six inches? I might as well move to North Dakota.
  10. Looks like rain. Better grab the umbrella.
  11. Don’t worry. The warm nose will ruin it all. Either that or a lot less qpf then what is projected by the models. Always something.
  12. And with that, I have arrived.
  13. Why so many Raleigh people on here? Somebody call the exterminator.
  14. Interesting. Here in Gray Court everything is covered.
  15. CJ on WYFF said it’s going to fill in. Yeah right. I wasn’t born yesterday.
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