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Everything posted by lilj4425

  1. Mauldin and in Greenville: https://www.wyff4.com/article/skycams/7024478 Look at the Hilton Skycam at that link.
  2. Lol. Thanks. Still not accumulating though.
  3. It’s just too wet and warm for it to accumulate.
  4. Hilton Skycam showing flakes flying in Greenville: https://www.wyff4.com/article/skycams/7024478
  5. Sleeting hard here and actually starting to accumulate.
  6. They are the most reliable source there is.
  7. Oh boy. That’s not far from my house. Still sleet here though.
  8. I sacrificed my goldfish to the weather gods.
  9. Yeah you can definitely see it starting to changeover on radar.
  10. Wow, that’s crazy. When was the last time those cities had such low totals through mid-February?
  11. You’re right on that rain-snow line burrel2 posted. Only fitting.
  12. Temps are always an issue here. Either that or warm noses, not enough qpf, earthquakes, etc.
  13. Red Light District. I’m flying through Amsterdam when I go to Dubai in September. Lol.
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