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Everything posted by lilj4425

  1. Oh good. I was getting worried it might snow here. Whew.
  2. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Is it like the GFS?
  3. So either I get a foot of snow or it’s going to be sunny.
  4. I don’t know what’s happening anymore. What days are we looking at again?
  5. Awww. Those poor cows.
  6. And here I thought I was going to get three feet of snow and the entire state would be shut down for a month. Can I have 70 and sunny now?
  7. Where’s the Euro? What’s taking it so long?
  8. What time does the Euro run…so I can cry?
  9. I just went to Lowe’s and spent $20,000 on a generator.
  10. Don’t you dare rain on my parade. We’re gonna get three feet of snow and like it.
  11. Pretty to look at but still 10-11 days out.
  12. Why do we have such issues with warm noses? I don’t get it. Like why it can’t it just snow six+ inches for once like it used to back in the old days without all of these mixing issues? And how Atlanta got more snow than I did is absolutely baffling.
  13. Agreed. I give the system a solid D+. The qpf is ALWAYS less than the models show for winter storms in this area for some stupid reason. I basically have a dusting on the ground and that’s it. Lame. I wish it was 70 and sunny over this crap.
  14. That’s just Greer. The GSP metro area has a population of over 1 million people. Contact your local politician if you have an issue with it.
  15. Fattest and heaviest flakes of the day now falling here just south of Greenville, SC. Roads starting to cover.
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