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Everything posted by lilj4425

  1. Just give it to Lake Charles already. I’m tired of waiting.
  2. Bad time to go play the slots at the casinos in Lake Charles I assume.
  3. I think it was more than one. Let’s argue.
  4. People arguing over the southern eye wall and cows. Lots of cows.
  5. I go away to take a piss and there’s like 35 new posts.
  6. It’s the difference between 100 bricks and 101 bricks getting knocked down.
  7. The hurricanes stole the idea from the Roman Empire.
  8. And as usual the national media is more worried about Coronavirus than a cat 4 hurricane.
  9. I have never seen anything like this before in my entire life. Seneca, SC pics taken by me which honestly don’t do it justice. The damage is very intense and widespread throughout Seneca.
  10. Driving through Seneca right now. Here’s a pic I took. Looks like this through a large portion of town. https://i.ibb.co/CVYkMr9/414-CF923-A865-4003-AD5-D-3-A888-C99-F86-D.jpg
  11. Now that the sun is up. Houses completely leveled in Seneca, SC going off the news pics and videos.
  12. Power just went out at my house. I’m in Greenville, SC.
  13. I was wondering about you. Hope Oconee is okay too.
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