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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. Regression to the mean? Something like that anyways
  2. Hard to be disappointed about that March considering those 6 weeks that preceded it. We were sort of in a post-lottery-winning haze then
  3. Perhaps the schizo-in-residence position is already occupied, duly noted
  4. The sheer effort involved in putting this together is staggering. Always enjoy reading your work.
  5. I was in 4th grade at the time, I recall my art teacher telling us all that it would flip to rain. I remember disagreeing
  6. Probably the most electric storm I've seen in years
  7. Who cares, it's an article and its title. Perhaps articles should include footnotes of definitions for every single word used too. "He said blue, but it's actually aquamarine". I don't understand the significance of the complaint
  8. You seem intentionally obtuse... The domain of the extratropical includes discussions of the polar vortex, since the polar vortex exists outside of the tropics.
  9. Start the hamster wheel over again lol
  10. I just hope to have snow to shovel, and some coffee to drink afterwards
  11. Point and click is far more bullish than the WSW. I'd sign on the dotted in a heartbeat
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