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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. you're the guy who gave everyone weenie tags in the NYC thread the other day. i shit you not, ever single post i read was weenie tagged by you lol.
  2. thought I noticed a flake or two this morning, but was pretty sure it was snow-deprivation hallucinations
  3. Weenie miller b on the long-range gfs again. Not that I care or anything...you guys believe me, right? In all seriousness, I feel like I don't trust anything from the southern stream to not be total crap by the time it reaches us on the coast. These shortwaves traversing the country remind me of summer thunderstorms as they approach the coast.
  4. Incredible run, 2 shortwaves closing off south of LI and a third storm to follow. Shows the upside of the pattern one would think.
  5. If we're exchanging the favorable PNA for a favorable EPO, what is an example of a pattern where those two are coexistent?
  6. What's with H5 lows weakening as they reach the coast? I feel like I've seen that happen pretty frequently this year. A la nina thing?
  7. Thank you, I always enjoy reading these.
  8. Pretty cool synoptic setup at the end of gfs run. Not saying it'll happen obviously, but cool to see a powerful cut-off low traverse the continent and just sit south of ACK. Very cold storm too.
  9. I'd think this dateline ridge would be more helpful for us than a weak-sauce PNA downstream of a raging Aleutian low
  10. There are a serious number of ensembles that show sub-980 mb storms through the end of the run. Hopefully the age of the saggy isobars is coming to a close.
  11. Talk of candlepin bowling in the general January thread... not a great sign I'd say
  12. I've seen lots of peeps talking about a lack of baroclinicity. Can this be amended by a cold shot alone, or do we need more, like a bombing cyclone to tighten the pressure gradient?
  13. On the GEFS, it seems about midmonth that the floodgates let loose for polar air. Definitely a bonkers pattern, and it's not perpetually at 384 hours. I don't give a shit, I'm all in. We'll get something good, one would think there's too many good things happening for things not to work out in some capacity.
  14. Why can't this northern vort dig? Would the ridge need to be stronger?
  15. If that southern vort gets out ahead faster on 1/12, is there still a chance to salvage this threat?
  16. finish the maps through new england or you'll be banned ... lol. his words, not mine
  17. Are we starting to lean towards a favorable Feb as well? I feel like I've seen periods of strong high latitude blocking persist longer than initially progged, and especially with some kind of stratospheric interference supporting this kind of pattern. Might be wishful thinking at this point. Slow to come, slow to leave? Though I guess the -NAO part of it arrived on time.
  18. Pretty happy with this so far, although as typically happens for me, I assumed the pattern would flip before it did. Maybe push back both those threats 4 days?
  19. I think this would be the kind of pattern to get a category 3+ nesis event in, whether miller A or B. Powder keg, quite literally.
  20. What happened in 08-09? Memory is fuzzy as I was quite young.
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