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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. does anyone consider the nam for tropical convection?
  2. seriously, we all could use a little vitamin D, or as tip would say "insolation"
  3. I guess this is severe season in New England
  4. there's actually a bunch of effective shear in place according to 1900z mesoanalysis
  5. Is today REALLY worth a slight risk?
  6. Hoping we break into the sun by evening
  7. I wonder if saturated soil will lead to increased sporadic tstorm coverage during our hot days
  8. Anyone else notice a substantial increase in the vibrancy of the greens outside? We have a long ways to go to achieve pac NW greens, but still very nice
  9. maybe this is weenie talk but there's something about the size of the droplets and the ease at which they fall that seems tropical. I dunno, maybe its the fact that's everything is so green these days thats tripping me up
  10. seeing the bands wrap around is so mesmerizing, it never gets old
  11. so the higher resolution the model, the further east? Guess which one I'll be betting on
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